I’m super excited it’s Wednesday and even more excited that I am officially 37 weeks & full term. It feels amazing to say that and I have been waiting a while for this moment. I feel a huge weight lifted off my shoulders because this past week of not teaching classes was mentally challenging for me. I felt lost, I didn’t know how to pass time and I just wanted it to be today so that if I for some reason had the baby everything would be okay.
So here we are and I’m pumped
I figured I would share my food journal with you from Monday which is usually an active day for me but this week it was rather slow since I wasn’t allowed to teach classes.
My food choices were still similar but my quantity was a little lower due to my activity level being so low.
I started my morning off a little later then usual and got up at 630am. I immediately headed downstairs to make breakfast. This mama needs to eat ASAP so that nausea didn’t take over.
I had 2 eggs scrambled with zucchini and potatoes.
I loved it but the picture looks terrible.
Ava and I headed to the YMCA so I could do some training. It was weird to head there on a Monday and not be teaching Group Power I popped in the class to let them know I was still around but just taking the week off since my doctor didn’t want me to go into early labor because my body was already progressing.
After training my clients we headed home for a snack.
I had a banana and an avocado toast with egg.
For lunch I had a leftover Bailiwick Salad from Firehouse deli. It was just as good the next day and their grilled chicken is out of this world. I always love salads that I don’t have to make too.
I also had a piece of italian bread with my salad plus some of these tortilla chips & a peach.
For an afternoon snack I felt like a yogurt parfait, are you surprised?
Dinners have been hard for me to eat lately, I don’t know why but I guess pregnancy has it’s weird food issues and this is one of mine. I was so happy when I felt in the mood for steak so I quickly pan fried some sirloin steak tips with a baked sweet potato. It was so good except I couldn’t eat more than 1/2 of my sweet potato, I’m pretty sure I only wanted the steak!
An early snack of peanut butter and toast made it’s way into the menu and I think that was due to the fact that I really didn’t finish a lot of my dinner (I only had one of these 2 pieces of toast)
I also capped the night with this bowl of 1/2 mint chocolate chip 1/2 cookies n cream ice cream because I just felt like it
I’m happy to say that the bowl of ice cream was a great way to end the night, and Cooper even got to lick my bowl after because he lovessss ice cream.
For some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Arman’s Blog today!
What was something yummy you ate this week?
What’s your favorite meal?