Well hello Wednesday, you snuck up rather fast this week and I’m loving it!
I have officially 1 week until my due date. To say my level of excitement and anxiousness is low would be an understatement. I’m currently impatient and trying to do whatever I can to keep my mind side-tracked and my body busy so that I don’t think about it. The waiting game is one of the hardest parts of pregnancy and I didn’t have much of it when I was pregnant with Ava because she arrived early.
SOO rather then ramble on about that stuff lets talk about some food. I decided to share my food journal from Tuesday (yesterday).
I woke up at 6am from my internal alarm clock. I came downstairs drank some water and poured myself a little iced coffee. While I started to make my eggs, I snacked on a couple bites of this chocolate chip muffin. I find that a little sugar in the morning helps settle my stomach . (or at least lets pretend that’s why I ate it)
BREAKFAST: I had 2 eggs, sauteed spinach and potatoes. Plus a piece of toast which is not pictured.
After breakfast I did some computer/blog work while Marc was still home and then got myself ready for the YMCA.
I ate a banana on the way to the Y.
We weren’t there too long but I did a quick 30 minute cardio workout on the elliptical and some stretching.
SNACK: After we left the YMCA I ate a Cookie Dough Larabar.
Ava and I then took a trip to the library. I promised her we could return some books and get new ones. We usually go there every 2 weeks and she loves it.
LUNCH I decided to eat some leftovers from my mom’s cooking on the 4th. I had a BBQ pulled chicken sandwich with coleslaw and some potato salad. UMM yum. This meal totally hit the spot and I loved that I didn’t need to think about what to eat. It was right in front of me when I opened the fridge.
A peach somehow made it into my lunch too. My little baby boy LOVES peaches. Can you blame him??
Ava was quite tired from all the weekend fun but she wouldn’t nap. It seemed like something was the matter because she had no appetite. Rather then force her to try to sleep I let her lay on the floor and watch some TV.
SNACK: around 2pm I was hungry. I had a doctors appointment as well so I quickly snacked on a string cheese while I was in the waiting room.
When I got home I had a bowl of cheerios with milk.
It hit the spot.
Pretty soon it was time to make dinner. I wasn’t feeling anything as usual but we needed something so I opened up the freezer to see what we had.
DINNER: I made a simple meal of fish filets, french fries and cucumber slices. This meal was simple but exactly what my body needed.
I left for Boot Camp around 6pm. I left feeling great but a sweaty mess. I just love my class and the energy everyone brings. I participated in some of the workout, I figured it would only help speed up this labor process right?!
POST WORKOUT SNACK: I refueled with a Quest bar.
I haven’t had one of these in a very long time but I figured an extra protein boost was what I needed. After my shower I snacked on some Cherries with Ava. I was also craving salt and Cheeze its looked amazing!
that was pretty much my night besides chatting with Marc for a little bit before bed. It wasn’t a bad day of food but not my favorite for sure!
For some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Arman’s Blog today!
What was something delicious you ate or snacked on this week?
Did you have any leftovers from 4th of July?
July 6, 2016 at 7:30 am
I’m so impressed that you’re staying so active!!! Nice job! And those peaches, YUM! I love peach season!
July 8, 2016 at 7:25 am
I love peach season too!! I can’t get enough
I can’t get my daughter to eat them and she doesn’t know what she’s missing!!!
July 6, 2016 at 8:50 am
Ugh, the final countdown is the worst! I hope your little one comes soon! My first was 8 days early, and I was so worried that my second would come later than that – thankfully he was 3 weeks early, so it worked out, ha!
July 8, 2016 at 7:24 am
The final countdown is tough because your due date is just a guesssss. Ahh. Well lets just say I’m ready for whenever he wants to come but I understand that he’s getting stronger and healthier each day so I’m okay with that too!
July 6, 2016 at 9:24 am
Oh boy, just one week left! I think I’m pretty excited for you too.
Which is your favorite Quest bar? I’ve had 2, and they were good, but surprisingly they were a bit too sweet for me. O_O Oh, and the best thing this week; there were so many, but our friends did these delicious steaks for the 4th of July!
July 8, 2016 at 7:23 am
Thanks Emily!!!
I don’t usually eat Quest bars this was probably my second one this pregnancy but I like the cookie dough and chocolate one. Yummy steak is my favorite. I actually ate some last night
it always hits the spot!
July 6, 2016 at 6:31 pm
I love that peaches are finally in season! I have been eating them every week. And OMG you’re making me want Cheeze-it’s, they’re so so good! But I usually snack on a Quest Bar, some almonds, a greek yogurt, or fruit.
July 7, 2016 at 1:37 am
7 days and you’re still working out like that?! I’m totally impressed. And I’m craving Cheese-Its now.
July 8, 2016 at 7:22 am
Thanks Laura! I’m still working out but not nearly close to the intensity or effort that I used to put in
You need to get some cheeze-its. My daughter made me buy them for her and I’m glad she did haha.