My pumpkin baking is in full effect and I am slightly obsessed with my new pumpkin bread/muffin recipe.
I have another Pumpkin Bread recipe on my blog that is super TASTY too, but it uses whole wheat flour and white sugar. I’m by no means avoiding those 2 ingredients but to be honest I wanted to experiment with new ingredients and flavors, plus I’m always looking for new ways to make foods I like!
I was in Stop and Shop last week and stumbled upon Brown Rice Flour. I was intrigued because I knew it was gluten free but I’ve heard great things about the taste and quality of Hodgson Mill brand. I didn’t hesitate and I put it in my cart. (it was also on sale and I wish I bought more)
My first thought was, I should make pumpkin bread. My body was telling me it needed pumpkin ASAP. After looking over several recipes and of course my own I came up with a short list of ingredients that were healthy, clean, & tasty. I had no clue how the brown rice flour would taste and hold up with this recipe, but once I mixed everything together I knew it was going to be good.
When my first loaf was done, I cut a slice for me & Marc. My mom and brother stopped by so they tried it too. We all went back for seconds and before I knew it the loaf was gone. Luckily Marc snapped this quick picture of it.
I guess I need to make another loaf!
For my second loaf I added in chocolate chips, cause… why not?? Pumpkin + chocolate = AMAZING.
The second loaf was great, but I was still trying to master the cooking temperature and time on this bread. The ends cooked up super fast but the middle was a little under cooked. I didn’t care for myself because I could just toast up my slice and it would come out perfect but for my readers I needed to figure it out.
The 3rd round happened on day 3 except this time I made Pumpkin Muffins. You think I would be sick of this recipe by now! Even Cooper wanted some more. I was finally able to get the time right for MY OVEN, but of course yours may vary so its good to keep an eye on it in the oven when you are baking this bread.
(someone’s little hands couldn’t wait to touch my muffin)
So if I didn’t tempt you already, and you are looking for a healthy snack that will satisfy your sweet tooth and carb fix at the same time you should definitely give this a try. It only takes about 10 minutes to throw together and then 40 minutes later your house smells like fresh pumpkin spice.
PUMPKIN BREAD (gluten free, milk free)
- 1 1/4 cup Brown Rice Flour (I used Hodgson Mill)
- 1/2 tsp Pink Himalayan sea salt (or regular sea salt)
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1 tsp cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp Pumpkin Pie Spice
- 3/4 cup pumpkin
- 1/4 cup pure maple syrup
- 1/4 cup coconut oil (melted) or butter
- 3 eggs
- 1/4 cup chocolate chips (optional) not included in nutrition
- Preheat oven to 350 degrees
- combine all wet ingredients in one bowl and dry ingredients in another bowl.
- Mix 2 bowls together until evenly combined.
- Spray muffin pan with baking spray and evenly distribute mixture for 9 muffins bake muffins for about 15-18 minutes. (check at 15 minutes using a toothpick)

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