This weekend was so much fun and I owe it to Ava and all her excitement for the Easter holiday. Since about Thursday night she kept talking about the Easter bunny, when he was coming and what he was bringing her.
I couldn’t help but be excited myself.
I took a bunch of pictures this weekend but I also put my phone down a lot to just enjoy the time with my family.
Here is a quick Photo Recap of our Easter filled weekend:
We went to an Easter Egg hunt at the Glenville Fire Department in Greenwich.
It was a great event for the kids.
Ava enjoyed TOO much candy & munchkins and eventually her belly hurt but she loved it.
She won a kids raffle easter basket that had more toys then we knew what to do with.
She played with sidewalk chalk.
Dyed Easter Eggs at home with Marc and I.
On Easter Sunday she couldn’t wait to see what the Easter bunny hid for her.
Especially the eggs around the house!
Cooper was just as excited for the hunt.
We basically had an ALL day Easter egg hunt for her at our house and at my parents.
She was beyond EXCITED when she found eggs.
It was such a great day and I can’t help but smile when I think of how happy she was.
We even managed to get a group picture and a big smile from Ava!
How was your holiday weekend?
Did you have an Easter Egg hunt?