Hey there!!!
It’s Wednesday and I always look forward to this day. It’s the middle of the week, the weekend is closer and I get to share some food with you.
Here is my food journal from Monday!
I am happy to say that Monday I woke up ready to tackle the day. I was feeling more energized then I had been the past few Mondays! I had a large glass of water and some decaf Iced coffee to start my day.
Breakfast was whipped up quickly with a leftover baked potato that I sliced and pan fried, then scrambled some eggs & Spinach. (this picture is recycled.. I eat this meal a lot)
After Group Power I was a sweaty mess, hungry, & fatigued. Maybe I pushed a little too hard???
I quickly ate an under ripe banana, it wasn’t the best but I needed some food asap. I picked Ava up from the childcare and we went home for a quick snack.
I made a piece of toast and topped it with egg whites & some bacon. This was AMAZING and simple. Have I told you that I love bacon??????? I believe since I became pregnant we have had bacon just about every other week. I probably should just buy more then one package at a time because I feel like I’m always buying it! I also ate about 4 handfuls of Ava’s plain cheerios. I was feeling the carbs.
We headed back to the YMCA for my second class. It was another sweaty one and I was surprised at how tired my body was after!
Again, I went home starving…. I quickly ate a piece of this chicken.
Had this string cheese…
which the last 3 bites got stolen from Ava..
I also had a bowl of carrots, cucumbers and peppers.
Plus some smoky chili & lime chickpeas
This was the most random broken up lunch I have had in a long time. Food really isn’t appealing to me so I think that’s why I chose random items from the fridge/pantry and my hunger which forced me to eat easily accessible items!
My body was pretty wiped like I said earlier and when Ava napped so did I. So much for waking up energized right?? I think 3rd trimester pregnancy fatigue has taken over.
I woke up starving and thirsty. I quickly made a yogurt bowl with berries & granola.
It was delicious and I ate it in practically 3 bites.
We played outside for a bit while the sun was shining and then I decided to make some dinner.
aI think a craving for red meat struck because I was feeling a Beef Chili and it totally hit the spot. This bowl had rice, beef, pinto beans, tomatoes, cheese & avocado.
I scooped it into some romaine lettuce wraps and also enjoyed a few too many tortilla chips. This dinner left me feeling full and satisfied.
Marc and I took Cooper to the Dog Park while Ava went to run errands with my mom. It was nice to give Cooper some one on one attention!
The rest of the evening was spent cleaning up the house and organizing for the next day. I didn’t really have an appetite for a snack but I ate some strawberries out of the fridge
plus 2 small scoops of peanut butter.
I didn’t want to go to bed without eating something because I knew I would wake up in the middle of the night hungry!!
If you need some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Laura’s Blog and find some food ideas.
What’s something yummy you ate this week?
Do you have cravings for specific meals a lot?
May 18, 2016 at 8:02 am
Bacon is a definite staple around here! we end up buying it at Sam’s Club because it’s so much cheaper!
May 18, 2016 at 1:04 pm
I need to find it in bulk. We have a Costco around here but they don’t sell any nitrate free and since I’m pregnant I’m trying to avoid anything with additives!
Does your place have a nitrate free brand?
May 18, 2016 at 8:32 am
That yogurt bowl looks awesome…and is that cashew butter from TJs?! My fav!
May 18, 2016 at 1:05 pm
I love yogurt bowls. there’s something so refreshing about them!
It’s actually peanut butter but I think I need to try the TJ’s cashew butter
i’m definitely a fan!
May 18, 2016 at 12:28 pm
Staple meal / snack in my house is toast topped with mashed avocado & fried egg. Mmm so easy and simple. The avocado keeps me so full and it’s one of those meals that never gives me tummy trouble
May 18, 2016 at 1:06 pm
That’s one of my favorite combos too! You can’t go wrong with eggs, avocado and toast! You are right it never upsets my stomach either!
May 18, 2016 at 12:36 pm
Wow, you are so good at getting the protein in; I love me some bacon too!
WE are at a B&B, and he asked us what we wanted for breakfast. I asked him what they normally cook, and he said, ‘eggs, sausage, and bacon,’ and I said, ‘Sure!’