Monday was a busy, hectic, exciting, exhausting, all in all CRAZY day for this pregnant lady. I’m officially 33 weeks and pregnancy exhaustion is setting in…. or is it? I’m not sure if it’s 3rd trimester symptoms or exercise, or chasing my monkey toddler around all day but something got me on Monday and my 3pm my body was like whatttt is going on?!
I figured I would share my food journal with you from Monday because it was on the fly eating and I honestly had a hard time keeping up with my calorie burn. It’s usually so easy to over eat but on this day I couldn’t keep up.
My day started out early. I woke up at 6am and I knew I had to be organized and ready to teach so I quickly got my bag packed and my breakfast made.
2 eggs, sautéed spinach & pan fried potatoes. (thank goodness for leftover potatoes) I also had a few sips of iced coffee.
I was out the door at 7:05 am to teach Group Power. I had to end class a few minutes early to head to an ultrasound so I tried to cram as much of the workout as I could in 52 minutes. We did great and boy was I sweaty and tired!
I rushed to my Doctors appointment and scarfed down a banana and this SQUARE BAR in the car.
I pretty much didn’t taste either one but I know they were good!
I was so happy to hear that the baby was GREAT It was even better to see my little guy who was sucking his thumb and covering his face. I was sad we couldn’t get a decent picture but that’s not what we were there for. We wanted to know that he was making proper gains and continuing to grow strong which he was. (I’ll give you a better update tomorrow!)
After my appointment I came home to pick Ava up and head back to the YMCA for class #2.
I was tired after this class and all Ava wanted to do was run around and roll around the floor because I wanted to leave and she didn’t. I had to bribe her to get her close to the garage by saying we can go look at the pool through the window. Thank goodness for little tricks.
We got home and I shoveled down this salad from Firehouse deli!! UMMM amazing.
I had the Bailiwick Salad had mixed greens, chicken, roasted red peppers, artichokes and balsamic dressing. My taste buds were happy and so was my belly. I also had a piece of avocado toast for some extra calories & healthy fats.
After lunch Ava turned into a monster. I mean this girl was climbing things she shouldn’t have been, throwing toys, spilling water, slamming doors, CLIMBING OUT OF HER CRIB basically not following any rules. I stayed calm and tried to distract her but she would pull away from me, moan, kick, yell, and tell me no. I was too tired to argue so I put her in the stroller and took Cooper for a walk.
The last thing i wanted to do was move my legs, all i wanted to do was sit on the couch but I knew she would be strapped in and fine. She drank some milk and ate a couple oatmeal cookies and she seemed happy as could be. We strolled and I let Cooper smell every piece of grass out there, because I really didn’t feel like walking. Ava smiled and waved at the mailman and all was good.
We got home and the chaos returned. I snacked on an orange.
It was juicy and amazing.
Finally I decided to turn the TV on and we had some quiet time which turned into a nap. WOOHOO. I carried Ava upstairs and I finally got to pick my feet up for a second.
I snacked on this RAWXSIE Bar.
UMM delicious and satisfying. I love that it’s a CLEAN TREAT and I get vitamins and healthy fats.
I also snacked on a bunch of these smoky chili & lime chickpeas. I’m loving the Good Bean snacks this week!
I probably should’ve napped at this point but I wasn’t relaxed so I did some computer work.
Once Ava woke up we ran to the store to grab some groceries for dinner. When we got home I decided to eat leftovers..
BBQ Chicken, Sweet Potatoes & Roasted Brussel Sprouts. Marc had ordered a meatball parm sandwich and I probably should’ve got myself one but to be honest I really wasn’t feeling food so I didn’t want to waste money.
My appetite was pretty strong around 8:15pm and made myself a Yogurt bowl with raspberries and granola. It hit the spot.
Again I was hungry at 9:30… this is getting old guys, at this point I’m like just fill this belly up. I had 1/2 a piece of cheese pizza. Sorry I didn’t snap a pic but it was eaten cold right out of the fridge. My body needed more carbs!
This was a physically and mentally exhausting day but I’m not gonna lie the food was good
For some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Arman’s Blog today!
Your turn: What’s something delicious you ate this week?
Do you ever have one of those days where you can’t sit until bedtime?
May 26, 2016 at 7:37 am
Wow that sounds like an exhausting day, even if you weren’t carrying around a baby!
Glad to hear everything is good though and the baby is growing and healthy!
May 26, 2016 at 2:07 pm
Thanks Liz!
It was an exhausting day for sure!!! I think chasing my toddler is the hardest part though