The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: Treat yourself!


It’s Wednesdayyy which means I have my food journal to share with you!

 I am linking up with Jenn again for a What I ate Wednesday post.

Yesterday Ava woke us up bright and early, which means 1 thing… COFFEE first! I love when I wake up to the smell of Homemade Pumpkin Spice Coffeethanks to the coffee timer.
I was feeling pretty ambitious and ready to wipe out the leftover can of pumpkin in the fridge so I quickly made a batch of Pumpkin Oat Pancakes. (I will be posting later this week.) I had some scrambled eggs with peppers & mushrooms with it to make it an all around delicious and healthy breakfast. 
We all loved it, including AVA!
I know I have mentioned before, but I have low blood pressure so I am constantly looking for salty snacks. I made some salty egg whites as a snack and stuffed the inside with avocado and tomato plus more SALT. The picture doesn’t look great so I am not posting it, but seriously it was tasty and super easy to make. Plus you can eat it on the goI also had a banana. 
My lunch was leftovers (as usual) this time it was leftover Thai chicken and veggies with brown rice. I wish there was more!! I also snacked on some snap peas.
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and an apple
My afternoon snack came early. I was starving so I dove into a Cookies n Cream Quest bar. I only ended up eating 1/2 because I realized I wanted something salty (it was one of those days.) So I ended up eating a handful of plantain chips. This was my pre-workout snack and it was quite filling. 
I decided to work out at home before dinner. I didn’t have Boot Camp class because the Civic Center was closed for Veteran’s Day, so I took advantage of an at-home workout. 
Dinner was Pretty simple. Marc and I were planning on going out to eat but Ava had different plans. She was super fussy, her teeth were bothering her and I couldn’t do anything to make her happy!! Soooo we opted to eat dinner at home.

I quickly put together a spinach salad with peppers, carrots, tomatoes, gorgonzola cheese & balsamic dressing and we had leftover Roasted Chicken & a Sweet Potato. I will probably eat this salad again today because it is so darn gooooooooodd. 
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With no Boot Camp last night, Marc and I figured we should probably go for a walk on Greenwich Avenue since it was a lovely evening…
and this happened….. Pinkberry Frozen Yogurt
I’m pretty sure there was more sprinkles then FroYo but it was pretty good.
This was our first time having it, and I opted for the original yogurt flavor. The serving size is ridiculously small for the price but I get it, it’s good. 
I love treats :) 
Your turn, what is something fun you ate yesterday? 
What is your favorite treat or dessert?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Frozen yogurt is one of my favorite treats! I think I will need to get some again before it gets really cold out! Your breakfast looks awesome- I love the combo of eggs AND pancakes!:)

  2. Two of my favorite things all in one breakfast! You sure know how to start the day off on the right foot.

    p.s. I hope Ava has started feeling better by today.

    • Breakfast is hands down my favorite meal, I could probably eat pancakes and eggs for dinner every night, but my husband would not like that :) Ava is doing MUCH better! Thanks!!

  3. I’ve always had low blood pressure and I’ve never heard to eat more salty foods. Huh, I’ll have to try to add more sodium to my diet! I definitely get light headed more than other people but also attribute that to hypothyroidism. Blah! The joys of womanhood ;-)

    • I have always had low blood pressure too, ever since I have upped my salt intake my light headedness has drastically improved plus it gives me an excuse to eat salty foods all the time. Maybe it will help you too :)

  4. I haven’t tried the cookies & cream Quest bar flavor yet but I’ve heard good things about it!

    • It is quite delicious :) It tastes so good, I question if it is really healthy. haha My favorite is still the chocolate brownie!

  5. Pumpkin Pancakes for breakfast, lunch and dinner for me pleaseeeeeeee! With chicken on top! LOL!

    • They are so delicious :) I used Oat Flour.. so they are super healthy! I have never had pancakes with chicken, is it good??

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