The Fit Skool

by Kelly

25 Weeks…. 15 weeks left!!!



THE BABY IS the size of an ACORN SQUASH, Weighing 1.7-2 LB

WEIGHT GAINED:  gained 0.4lb this week, up about 14 1/2 lbs

GENDER: It’s a girl!!!

25 weeks

25 weeks




My workouts have been awesome! This past week was all about the strength training sessions. Walking was my only form of cardio this past week, which actually felt kinda nice for a change! I am hoping this next week to do more cardio and less strength training.

THURSDAY 1-hour Group Power strength training practice workout

FRIDAY 30-minute walk with cooper (OFF DAY)

SATURDAY 1-hour Group Power strength training practice workout

SUNDAY 30-minute walk with cooper (OFF DAY)

MONDAY 1-hour Group Power strength training practice workout

TUESDAY Taught 1 hour boot camp class

WEDNESDAY 20 minutes light cardio, 1/2 practice session for Group Power

SYMPTOMS: I was a little more tired this past weekend, but I think that was from my workouts and also from being so productive around the house. HEARTBURN, only once and it is from my attempt to eat mexican flavored chicken tacos. I immediately stopped once I had pain in my chest.

25 weeks and 2 days, belly is growing!

25 weeks and 2 days, belly is growing!


25 weeks + 2 days

25 weeks + 2 da

FOOD AVERSIONS: Mexican food/flavors. I cooked up some ground chicken tacos… Couldn’t eat them! I attempted to eat 1/2 taco and it just made me feel sick. I stuck with some rice and cheese instead!

FOOD CRAVINGS: I had an awesome craving this weekend… PUMPKIN! It didn’t really matter what form of pumpkin it was but I wanted it. Pumpkin coffee, homemade healthy pumpkin cookies, Kashi Pumpkin spice granola bars! I can’t get enough. Think I am ready for fall??

SLEEP: Sleep has been great. I sleep a solid 7 hours + each night.

MATERNITY CLOTHES: I bought another maternity dress, it is dark red and I can’t wait to wear it.


DO I MISS ANYTHING: not really, maybe box jumps? JK

MOVEMENT:  This girl is a mover, but I like it. Except when I want to go to sleep.

BABY ITEMS PURCHASED: We purchased a dresser this past weekend. The baby’s room is starting to come together!


I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Filming my group power workout! I am also looking forward to the fall, not just because of the pumpkin recipes but also for the slightly breezier weather!



Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Hi Kelly! I just found your blog and wanted to say hi. I’m also pregnant (28 weeks) and doing my best to keep up with my workouts. It’s made such a difference so far in my energy levels and not experiencing some of the nasty pregnancy side effects.

    I’m also obsessed with Cooper! I have a Golden named Remy and hope she doesn’t mind sharing the spotlight soon with her little brother. ;-)


    • Hi Heather!!
      Congrats on your pregnancy, you look great :) I agree about the workouts and feeling energized. I have no complaints so far, and I hope to keep exercising throughout the rest of my pregnancy.
      Remy is beautiful! I was checking out your blog and I noticed your husband working in a lab. My husband is a science guy and works in a lab too!! We have so much in common.


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