The Fit Skool

by Kelly

5 Day Clean Eating Challenge & Valentine’s Day


Happy Fridayyyyyy the 13th!

I am so not superstitious, there’s actually something exciting about Friday the 13th but I guess secretly I hope nothing bad happens.

Tonight Marc and I are heading out to Blackstone Steakhouse to celebrate Valentine’s Day. After numerous dinner dates on the actual Valentine’s Day, Marc and I started a new trend celebrating on a different night. It’s WAY less crowded and it’s more enjoyable for us! Plus then we get to celebrate at home again on the real V-day with Ava. Apparently we have a mini snow storm coming Saturday night so it was well played on our part ;)

I’m not a big box of chocolates gal, I would rather eat a chocolate covered strawberry or some chocolate mousse! I sure hope they have either one of those treats tonight!

I could go on and on about chocolate, Valentine’s day brownies & cookies (because they are so good) but I won’t because on Monday I will be hosting my FREE 5-Day Clean & Healthy Eating Challenge.


I already have 53 people in my challenge group which is mind blowing to me.  It’s not too late to join so feel free to email me and I can give you more info:

I can’t really express how excited I am to help this group of people. This is my first challenge as a coach and I am thrilled to have a big group to support and hold accountable!

I sometimes I wish I had more hours in the day to personal train clients or help people lose weight. There’s just not enough time in the day to do it all!! This challenge has made me realize I can help MORE people all at once :)

I wanted to share MY Experiences during my first 5-day Clean Eating Challenge

When I did my first round of clean eating:

DAY 1 was HARD. I was hungry, I didn’t have all my measuring down, and I didn’t drink enough water.


DAY 2 I started my day right with 2 cups of water, and 1 cup of coffee, plus a big breakfast. I already felt a difference and I wasn’t as hungry throughout the morning.

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(Oatmeal w/ almond milk & cinnamon plus 1 egg & 1 cup egg whites with mushrooms… I was stuffed)

DAY 3 I was on point and I ate 5 small meals at almost exactly 3 hours apart, I had my Shakeology which has helped keep me full post workout (you can have a protein shake instead)


DAY 4 I felt less bloated and I didn’t have to think about what I was going to eat for my meals as much. Big Salads mid afternoon helped keep me full until dinner.


DAY 5 This was my favorite day because my clean eating came natural and I felt a difference in my stomach. That was all the motivation I needed to keep going! Today is actually my DAY 10 I didn’t stop my clean eating this plan has worked for me. I did have some snack swaps to treat myself on the days I had extra workouts to teach, but I’m still going strong! If you put your mind to anything you can do it!!

I hope you all have a wonderful Valentine’s Day with your loved ones!

What are you doing to celebrate Valentine’s Day?

Are you mentally 100% ready and “in it” for the challenge?


Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. i am totally excited about this challenge. I just hope I can give up my Gorgonzola cheese and craisins on my salad.

    • I am so happy you are doing the challenge!! Try adding in some nuts/seeds (sunflower,pistachios,pumpkin) or real fruit (strawberries,grapes,pears,apples) to your salad instead!! That way you still get the sweet/salty and healthy fats :)

  2. I always have to be 100% ready to do a challenge or I won’t fully commit. We are sort of celebrating V-day tonight along with my birthday with a nice dinner in. WE were supposed to go wine tasting tomorrow but my little guy is sick :-(

    • Hi Giselle, I hope you had a happy birthday and a special valentine’s day with your family. It’s never fun when kids are sick, I hope you still got to go wine tasting!!

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