The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Is your mind in it??


I am a firm believer that your mind has to be 100% in it to succeed.

I set my own goal on February 4th… to get stronger and fitter by my 30th birthday (Today March 9th). When I asked myself why I wanted to get stronger, the answer was for “myself.” Not for anyone else. I haven’t shared this with anyone, not even Marc. So there you go Marc. There’s my goal and my secret ;)


I asked myself WHY?? Why do I want to get stronger? My main reason was that I wanted to prove to myself that I could finish this program. I know I probably sound super corny when I say this but I was excited for this challenge!!! Every time I began one of the beachbody programs in the past, something happened (injury/pregnancy). I kind of felt like I was jinx.

For the first time in 4 years I have been able to kick my own A$$ without an injury or a pregnancy sidelining me. If you are curious what went on in the past few years, here goes: 4 years ago I had hip surgery… it took a full year to recover. Even after I recovered and I was cleared for everything, I was afraid to push 100% because I was scared of re-injury. Then I got pregnant, and although I exercised I didn’t do intense exercise. 8 weeks after I had Ava I broke my collar-bone. That was a little over a year ago and you know what?? I am the strongest I have been in 5 years. I am so happy I can say that out loud.


In the last month I have seen progress in my core strength and I can see changes in my arms, specifically my triceps. This took all my guts to post these pictures. I am a pretty private person. Yes I have a blog but the purpose of my blog is to help people and motivate people to be healthy besides that, I am shy, reserved and I keep to myself. So basically thank you for letting me share this with you!! I don’t know if you can see the change but I sure do and I feel it.


To be able to share with you my progress is sort of like a weight lifted off of my shoulders because I put myself out there to better myself and to let you know its okay to be vulnerable. It actually feels good.

I’ve reached my 30th Bday today and seeing physical changes and strength gains was ALL I needed to keep pushing forward. I am mentally in this and it feels good. Being a part of a challenge has helped me stay on track and has given me a positive energy that I can’t really explain. You will know the energy I am talking about when you are 100% committed to something.

Sure there have been days when I didn’t want to work out or my energy was low but I looked over some motivational quotes and they helped me to push through and work hard. Even trainers/instructors need a little kick start every once in a while. I think back on the past month and there were several days where I didn’t work out (I was sick or my body said NO and I listened)  but then there were good days when I worked 110% and even did a double workout! I will thank my fitness classes for the doubles!

I have to thank Shakeology for curbing my sweet tooth on numerous occasions. My diet was on point I’d say 90-95% of the time. I treated myself here and there with wine, lava cakes, 1/2 cup of ice cream, or a slice of pizza but I think I have found a great balance! 

You have to enjoy life too right?!??! ;)

What is something about your body you want to change and WHY?

 What can you do to change your mind to focus?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Congrats, and Happy Birthday!! Im glad you were able to overcome those fears that were holding you back and achieve your goals. Enjoy your day!!

    • Thanks Lisa! It did take a lot for me to post those pics but I’m glad I did because hopefully I can help more people!

  2. You can definitely see the results and difference in these pictures. Great job! You look hot mommy! :)

    • Thanks so much Stephanie!! I love seeing the result pictures that you post too :) It’s a great way to motivate yourself right??

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