The Fit Skool

by Kelly

I’m off my game


This week is dragging for me and in multiple ways. My body has been tired and Friday can’t come soon enough.

Tuesday I had a scratchy throat plus a runny nose and yesterday I was so fatigued I spent the afternoon on the couch. I can’t say I’m really really sick, but something is off. It takes a lot for me to lay on the couch and do nothing but that’s what I did. I didn’t use my computer, I didn’t watch TV, I just rested.

I’m happy to say I am feeling better today thanks to healthy snacks, vitamins and rest. Clearly I got a little bit of whatever cold Ava was fighting but at least it wasn’t anything too serious.


My plans to do Insanity Max30 have gotten pushed to the side this week. I did one of the workouts this week and that’s it. Mentally I had told myself I wasn’t going to skip any workouts but I have learned that listening to my body is more important.


I have some 30th Birthday plans this weekend and I would much rather feel 100% then do a workout and have myself get more run down.

I woke up this morning to more snow. Apparently winter doesn’t want to let up. I guess one extra snow day and another day to rest is what I need. I am still waiting to hear if the YMCA is open and if classes are on!

In case you were wondering, last night I was craving chocolate. It’s a pretty normal craving right?


Instead of grabbing some ice cream at the grocery store I decided to try a Chocolate Pudding recipe using Shakeology, Avocado, Banana, & Almond milk.


Why have I not tried this sooner?? I know the ingredients sound random but it was creamy & chocolatey. I’m all about it and I love that it has healthy fats and healthy ingredients.


It completed my night on a good note ;)

So this post ended up being about nothing besides letting you know that I listened to my body and have rested as much as I could besides of courses having my classes to teach. Sometimes its okay to kick your feet up and rest. You can’t go 110% 24/7 it just doesn’t work!

When you start to feel run down, do you take the time to rest? 

Have you ever tried Pudding with avocado?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Glad you listened to your body and are feeling better! It took me years to learn how to do that but I’m so glad I finally did! I LOVE avocado pudding! Definitely don’t make it enough. So great for little mouths too :-)

    • Thanks Giselle! I am glad I listened to my body, I think I am much more in tune with it these days. I realized being sick with a kid isn’t fun so I will do whatever I can to stay healthy!
      PS: Avocado pudding is amazing. I am mad I waited so long to try it!

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