The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: another crazy day


I got to sleep until 6am yesterday. Well actually I woke up at 5:50am on my own but Ava slept a little later for the first time in about 10 days! It felt nice.

I am linking up with the What I ate Wednesday Crew via Jenn to share my food journal with you from Yesterday.


For some reason I felt a little rushed yesterday morning but I still managed to whip up a couple eggs with some sauteed spinach in olive oil. I also had a couple slices of toast.


Shortly after I headed to the YMCA to train some clients. After a few sessions my hunger struck again. I had a banana and a Chocolate Quest bar.


My lunch sounded good in my head but it was just okay. I had leftover Al Fresco Spinach & Feta Chicken Sausage with potatoes and a side of kale with tomato sauce.


and a golden delicious apple!


My afternoon was pretty rough I’m not gonna lie. Ava wasn’t feeling well and she was very fussy. She only wanted to be held but that was fine with me because I’m totally cool with baby cuddles :) I had to let her fall asleep on my chest because the poor girl had so much snot she couldn’t breathe when she was laying flat. The second I went to put her on the bed she freaked out and then threw up ALL over me and all over my bed. Not to make your stomach churn or anything but there was a big pile of grossness in my lap and all over my chest. I can’t believe I didn’t get sick myself. It was beyond disgusting and I will be taking my comforter to the cleaners at some point today or tonight.

SOO clearly Ava and I both needed a shower/bath and I also did some laundry because I had no choice everything was covered in throw up. I can’t say I was at all excited about any of it and it threw my day for a LOOP. I didn’t get anything done that I was supposed to, but I guess it happens right?


After consoling Ava for a bit she finally calmed down, she was able to watch a little TV and snap a quick pic with me. She stuck her tongue out at the last minute, that little stinker.

I finally got a little appetite after all the chaos and I quickly threw together some yogurt, strawberries & granola 


I also had a few nuts with it.


Ava fell asleep and I finally got some computer work done!! This ended up taking me longer then I planned because I couldn’t focus.

Shortly after I finished, it was time for dinner. Luckily we had food that was already made in the fridge. I had leftover Chicken Cutlets, grilled zucchini and a sweet potato with a little butter. It was probably my favorite meal of the day! My mom makes the best chicken cutlets and I’m so thankful she gave me the leftovers ;) There’s only one chicken cutlet in this pic but I had 2!


I had a lot of energy for my Boot Camp class (maybe it was pent up from my hectic day taking care of Ava) and I worked the group pretty darn hard. After class I refueled with a Vanilla Shakeology and some strawberries!


I also took Cooper for a quick walk. I am loving this warmer weather and there was such a nice breeze as we strolled down the street!

Okay, time to teach Group Power, have a great day!

What is something yummy you ate from yesterday? My dinner was my favorite meal.. chicken cutlets!

Gross topic, but has someone ever thrown up on you? I can honestly say Ava is the only one that has ever thrown up on me, and it is the nastiest thing EVER.

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Yes, 1 time. Very memorable. Ava is the only person to ever throw up on me too. Coincidence?

  2. Good call on the banana and chocolate Quest bar. One of my favorite flavor combos… that and a schmear of peanut butter! :)

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