The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: 4 months pregnant eats


This past weekend marked my 4 months of being pregnant. That’s a big milestone and it’s jaw dropping to me that I am almost half way from meeting our new little baby. TIME IS FLYING.

Over the weekend we enjoyed some delicious meals and I wanted to share some of them with you.


I’m linking up with the WIAW crew over on Arman’s blog today to share my food journal with you from Sunday.. Valentine’s Day!

My morning started off earlier then I would have liked since I could’ve slept in but at 630am I had to pee. That’s a pregnancy perk right there. After that, my mind started racing and I knew I needed to get breakfast started for valentine’s day  ;)


I whipped us up some scrambled eggs with peppers in olive oil, hash browns, and bacon.


Ava also wanted to share her meal with you!! She literally asked me to take a picture of her and her food. Do you think she sees me snapping a lot of food photos or what????

She basically only ate the bacon and maybe some fruit off her plate, smart girl!

Mid morning after doing some house work and silly stuff I realized my belly was ready for more food. I had a bowl of fruit salad


and a scoop of PEANUT BUTTER. Guys this was huge. I haven’t been eating peanut butter that much this pregnancy, it has been one of my aversions so when it tasted GOOD I went with it!!


I got a burst of energy and did an Insanity Max 30 cardio dvd workout. It was awesome and felt great to move. Don’t mind the cheesy picture I was feeling so good after and rather then have Marc take the picture I went ahead and snapped it myself.

Lunch time came around 1230. I had a huge bowl of Oriental Chicken Salad (cabbage, cilantro, chicken, sesame seeds, & asian ginger dressing)


It was pretty tasty and I filled my bowl twice!

Ava took a nap so I decided to do some computer work and maybe a little online shopping mixed in!! I made a little avocado toast to snack on while I was on the computer.


I’m pretty sure this should be on the menu EVERY DAY.


Along with these California oranges. I’ve been devouring these lately.It’s a good thing we have a dozen more! I also snacked on a few crackers, which are not pictured.

Dinner came on the early side and it usually does for us on Sunday evenings. Marc cooked me a lovely Valentine’s Day Dinner.. Steak, Sauteed green beans, & Potatoes.


He knows me too well. It was all delicious and simple flavors which I LOVE.

There always needs to be dessert on Valentine’s Day right? Marc and I made some Brownies (a skinnier version using 1/2 oil and 1/2 applesauce) and of course topped that with a scoop of vanilla ice cream!!


It was a great day of eats and that’s why I wanted to share it with you!

I hope you are having a great week.

What’s something yummy you ate this week? 

Do you like Avocado toast?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. I love avocado anything! My favorite has to be chips and guac or avocado sushi. So simple but so good.

    • I love avocado everything too!! Chips & Guac is way too good and I always eat too much of it when we have it in our fridge!

  2. You eat so healthy for a pregnant lady! Where’s the pint of ice cream and jugs of vanilla frosting?? I love avocado toast- and all its varities!! Happy Wednesday!

    • Thanks Anna-Marie!

      The first trimester was where all my bad eating took place. I ate tons of bread, grilled cheese, pizza and muffins. I’m not really interested in ice cream! Which isn’t a bad thing since I’m eating other bad foods ;)

  3. There is not a single thing posted here that I don’t want to eat right this very minute. Especially that fruit salad! Nom. Being 7.5/8 months (it gets confusing towards the end, doesn’t it!?) with number two, I’m with you on time FLYING!

    • Congrats on being 8 months pregnant!!! I can’t wait to get to that point but I know at the end you get anxious for the baby to come.

      I’m loving healthy foods again so I’m trying to take advantage since I did some damage in the first trimester :) I hope you are feeling well!!!

  4. What a delicious day of eats! We also made special valentines day breakfasts and dinners – yum.

  5. Wow, I almost can’t imagine having an aversion to peanut butter. Pregnancy is amazing and interesting. And praise God that you’ve made it 4 months into the pregnancy! What a gift!

    • Hi Emily! I’m not gonna lie, I didn’t like that my body didn’t want peanut butter. That was like my go to snack every day before I was pregnant so I guess that’s why my body didn’t need it. I’m super thankful that I can eat it again. For a second there I thought I was never going to like it again!!!!

  6. Looks like you may have a little flood blogger in the making :)
    YAY for rekindling with peanut butter! I can’t imagine losing my love for it. But I guess anything can happen when pregnant…
    Delicious everything!

    • Hi Cora! Omg yes, a mini food blogger in the making. IT was too funny and appropriate when she asked me to take a picture of her plate. She’s a good eater too, maybe one day I will post about her food haha.

      I am also super happy that my love for peanut butter is back!!

  7. Great eats! I have not had avocado toast…I should probably try it because I always seem to have an extra avocado around here ;)

    • I highly recommend avocado toast. I sprinkle mine with some sea salt and sometimes I’ll put a runny egg on top for protein! If you like avocado you must try it!!

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