The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: 38 Weeks Pregnant


I can’t believe there are 14 days left until we meet our little boy. Obviously he can come sooner or later but the fact that it’s not so far away is pretty exciting and the anticipation is really making the days go by slower.

I’m trying to keep busy and not think about it but my mind won’t stop thinking about how my labor will start and when it will happen. I guess being through it before makes me know a little about what to expect where as before I had NO clue.

Anyways, rather then ramble about my thoughts I’m going to share my food journal with you from Monday.

My food choices have been all over the place and I find myself eating more carbs and snack stuff.


Monday morning I woke up around 6am, drank some water and a little iced coffee while I started making my breakfast. I had Eggs, spinach and toast and kept it simple before Group power class.


I was super excited to teach class and even a little nervous as to how I would do but class went great. I felt good, I never struggled and I made it through without any issues.

After class I ate a banana and a square bar (which Ava took a bite of) I had to open a second bar so she could eat one. She loves them!

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We headed to target after our snack. I had a return to make and figured we could shop around for a bit. My dad decided to come with us since he was off from work that day. We ended up buying lots of snacks and food, go figure right? While we were shopping through the store I snacked on peanut butter crackers because I started to get a headache. I figured I needed something salty. I also chugged 32oz of water and that helped a ton.

After we got home I immediately ate because I was worried my headache would come back, but luckily it didn’t. I had a salad with chicken and a small slice of cheese pizza that was leftover from the weekend.

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I also ate some delicious cherries.


Ava and I lounged around after lunch, I did some cleaning and organizing around the house and took advantage of the free time.

I ate a yogurt parfait and some pretzels before we headed over to my parents for the late afternoon. We hung out on their deck and Ava played with bubbles for like 30 minutes. We bought a bubble gun and it was so much fun. I even enjoyed using it myself.


We headed home around 5:45pm and I was starving. That always means a disaster in the kitchen. Thank goodness for leftovers.

As I was debating what to eat, I snacked on a leftover chicken wing. UM. so good.

I decided to eat this chicken francese, veggies & potatoes meal. I only ate half of this, it was pretty good but the chicken wasn’t my favorite.

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It seems like I’m eating every 2 hours these days, but it works so I’m going with it. After a late night walk with Cooper we came home and I whipped up a batch of applesauce brownies and had a small bowl. I wasn’t craving chocolate or anything but I just felt like dessert!


(this is a recycled photo since I ate mine too fast and didn’t snap a picture!)

10pm rolled around and I was pretty exhausted but I new I needed something else to eat before bed. Pretzels for the win.


So this wasn’t exactly my healthiest day of food but it worked and I enjoyed most of my meals. To be honest I’m looking forward to not being pregnant and not having weird aversions anymore!

If you need some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Laura’s Blog and find some food ideas.

What’s something yummy you ate this week?

Have you ever made applesauce brownies?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Ooh those pretzel snaps look yummy! And only 2 weeks left? That’s pretty exciting! :) Have you ever tried Perfect Bars? I think you might like them! :)

    • I haven’t heard of perfect bars, but I’m going to look into them!! I’m always looking for new healthy products :)

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