I’m 5 days away from my due date. It’s pretty surreal that within the next week we will be meeting our little boy. I’m super pumped.
My patience has been tested with this waiting game and I’m trying to keep my mind of the fact that I’m pregnant and waiting for his arrival. That’s easier said then done when I’m tired, hot, my belly is the size of a bowling ball and my appetite is getting more picky.
Anyways, being pregnant and a mom are the two hardest jobs and I’m super happy that I have this healthy boy growing inside of me. Pretty soon we will all get to meet him
Here is a 39 Week Update for you:
THE BABY IS about 19-21 inches long Weighing about 7-8lbs and the size of a watermelon!
Weight gained
I’m up 26 lbs
It’s a BOY!!!
my workouts have been good. I’m still teaching classes just not doing nearly as much as I was before! moving keeps me sane and it also feels good. I am not sure whether I will be teaching next week but we will see how I feel
This picture was taken before teaching my Group Power Class!
I’m pretty symptom free for the most part. My small symptoms are that I’m tired, I’ve had some braxton hicks contractions, mild cramping and muscle spasms. None of these have been serious and I feel like labor is NEVER going to happen although it has to!
Food Aversions:
I’m not eating that many veggies this week, my body seems to be staying away and I’m eating more carbs and fats.
Food Cravings:
- Nuts, seeds, trail mix
- Toast or potatoes
- My moms potato salad yummmm
- Sandwiches
- cold foods like salads, raw veggies and fruit
- I still need protein at every meal and have been eating lots of chicken and fish
Sleep has been okay. I wake up 2x to pee and go right back to sleep. I’m like a zombie!!! I have had a few times this past week I woke up with cramping but it was nothing!
Maternity clothes:
I have a select few workout outfits that I’m rocking. I wash them on the regular because right now I have to wear whats comfy and what fits! I still love my maternity shorts and tanks though too.
Stretch marks:
None yet!
Do I Miss anything:
I miss laying on my belly, I miss being able to bend over like a normal person, I miss exercising at a normal pace without needed to take a breather every so often.
I miss coffee & wine. Those both sound energizing and relaxing right now!!
My little boy moves a ton but at certain times of the day. Some of his belly rolls make me feel sick to my stomach and I need to change positions. He still hiccups daily and throws me some kicks to the rib every once in a while.
Baby Items Purchased:
I bought some little boy shorts, pants and a onesie with a firetruck on it. Ava loves firetrucks so I assume so will our little boy!
Wedding rings ON or OFF:
I finally took them off. I have no swelling but part of me was scared that something would happen if I kept them on!
Belly Button IN or OUT?
I’m Looking Forward To:
Um… his arrival? It’s all I can think about and consumes my every waking thought. While I know these will be my final days as a pregnant lady, I think I have experienced enough and I’m ready to meet him. I am also ready for Ava to be a big sister. I know she is going to be the best helper!! I CAN’T WAIT.
I had a couple real contractions this week but only one at a time. Is it bad to say I loved the pain?? I couldn’t help but get excited for a hot second and then my hopes were taken away.
This baby boy is in it for the long haul and is cozy.
Random Things:
I wish jumping jacks would make this guy come out, but walking, exercise, pineapple, cleaning the kitchen floor, spicy food, it’s ALL A myth. He will come when he’s ready and that’s truly what I believe.
But really what’s he waiting for?? The heat wave to be over???
I had a doctor apt this week and all is well and I had no progress I’m stuck at 2cm 50% effaced!
That’s all I have for you today but I hope that we can all see this little boy soon
For more pregnancy updates head over to my Baby #2 pregnancy page
July 8, 2016 at 9:20 am
you mentioned the size of a bowling ball…..i would say more the size of a LARGE watermelon hurry up and come baby boy!