The Fit Skool

by Kelly

36 Weeks.. in the final month!


28 days and counting… It’s getting more real with each week that passes and I’m super anxious for the baby’s arrival! I feel so much more organized and prepared after this weekend’s productivity. The to-do list only has a couple items remaining and I don’t rushed at all! Such a great feeling.

Pregnancy Fitness Update: This past week I was pretty active but not any more then I have been in the past few weeks. In group power I pretty much coach everyone through the abs track. It’s nearly impossible to do ab exercises at this point.  My range of motion on squats has gotten a bit smaller but on a sumo squats it is the same.

Here is what Baby G has been up to this past week!!


THE BABY IS about 19.5 inches long, the size of a Head of Romaine Lettuce  Weighing anywhere between  5-6 lbs

WEIGHT GAINED: I didn’t gain anything this past week, still up a total of 21 lbs 


GENDER: It’s a girl!!!


TUESDAY Taught boot camp

WEDNESDAY  1 hour group power class (strength training)

THURSDAY taught boot camp and taught senior fitness


SATURDAY cardio walk outside 20 mins, plus practice group power session at home (25mins)

SUNDAY cardio walk outside 20 mins

MONDAY  Group Power (1 hour strength training) and taught senior fitness

FOOD AVERSIONS: None!! It is very nice to say that.. I ate veggies no problem and I even had some spicy salsa which I haven’t been able to eat my whole pregnancy!

36 weeks

FOOD CRAVINGS: I’m getting repetitive but fruit… and eggs & toast are a must daily. I also loved potatoes this week… any kind, mashed sweet potatoes, baked potato, and also some baked french fries. Yum.

SLEEP: Sleep has been good, I am more tired at night so I’ve been heading to bed a few minutes earlier. I also get up to pee 1-2x.. but it doesn’t really phase me. Good prep for the baby!

MATERNITY CLOTHES:  I got a couple pairs of pajamas that I can wear in the hospital, they are cotton and super loose. Nothing special, but they look comfy!

STRETCH MARKS: still none, I’m keeping my fingers crossed nothing changes.


DO I MISS ANYTHING:  I miss my old clothes, I miss my old workouts with boot camp style, I miss being able to run, I miss jumping, I miss seared ahi tuna, I miss chugging coffee (not like I did it a lot but I would if I could!)

MOVEMENT: Baby G is strong and she’s let me know a lot this week. Her feet can kick hard too and I thought I bruised a rib the other day! not joking.

BABY ITEMS PURCHASED:  No baby purchases this past week, but I did buy some stuff to pack for the hospital. It’s about time I got organized!



SYMPTOMS: It seems like I get more contractions on the weekend, probably because I do different activities! I had a tonnnn of braxton hicks contractions and a few painful ones walking around the store. Besides the contractions and a slight bruised rib from the baby girl’s kicks.. no other symptoms.

LABOR SIGNS: Contractions.. but they are the practice ones, I think!

I’M LOOKING FORWARD TO: Hanging with my girlfriends this Friday night… it has been a while since we were all together. I also can’t wait for thanksgiving and celebrating with family… and not shortly after Marc’s 30th bday in December. :)

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Oh, how exciting – the last month! I hope you stay comfortable (as much as possible) and it goes by quick for you. I was so antsy that last month because I just didn’t want to be pregnant anymore!

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