The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Postpartum & Baby: 2 month Update


I have been MIA this past couple of weeks. It was pretty tough to type up posts with 1 arm. Yesterday at my doctor appointment he told me I could move my arm more and typing was okay!! Soo here I am with an update for you!

I cannot believe 2 months has passed since Ava was born, time is flying by. The picture below was a week after she was born… look how tiny she was!!


Here is our 2 month update!

As far as me and my body:

I am down a couple more pounds which is great, but wasn’t part of my plan. My goal was to get stronger and increase my lean muscle.


(2 months postpartum, sling and all..)

Once I got cleared from the doctor I eased back into exercise and slowly increased my intensity/duration over the course of 2 1/2 weeks. I was feeling FABULOUS and after 2 1/2 weeks of exercise I felt stronger and more like myself. My stomach felt a little tighter and I wasn’t as winded. I was just starting to increase the weights a little too.

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And then… I broke my collar bone. Ouch! Literally, it was so painful. Talk about SETBACK. I was so psyched to get back to teaching/training and I was heartbroken from my injury. I was frustrated that my first day back at work never happened because it ironically occurred on the same morning I broke my collar bone. I have come to grips with the injury and that everything happens for a reason so I have been enjoying a little more time with Ava. I love exercise and work but getting my body as healthy as possible is more important. I realize that I am mentally a lot tougher then I think and when I do get back to my work/routine I will be unstoppable :)


Ava is a growing machine. At 2 months she is a long and lean 11lbs. She is wearing mostly 3 months of 0-3 months clothing because her legs are too long for anything smaller! She is still on a 3- 3 1/2 hr eating schedule, but she gives us usually a 5 hour stretch at night which is lovely.


She is very strong and can keep her head up for quite some time on her own. She is so observant and follows me with her eyes as I walk around the room. She LOVES music and when I exercise she thinks its funny. Cooper loves to lick Ava’s hands and feet and she seems to have no problem with it!


(Ava secretly gave me an I LOVE YOU hand gesture in sign language! she’s too smart)

Ava also enjoys play time! She likes her play mat and all the toys, music, and noises that go along with it. Yesterday she was fussing a bit so I turned on Sesame street and just like that she went silent and stared in amazement at the TV. She smiled, kicked her legs, and made happy noises. Now I know what to do to keep her happy!

I can’t wait to share more updates. I hope my next update is on the progress of my shoulder recovery. Let’s keep our fingers crossed for a speedy recovery!



Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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