The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Slow & Steady


Yesterday was a busy day for me and I was happy that I got a chance to do a nice long workout. Man am I feeling it today and my arms are tired.

The title of this post is SLOW & STEADY something I am constantly reminding myself as I patiently recover my collar bone injury.

This constant reminder is no joke……. through my entire workout yesterday I literally had to tell myself over and over to take it easy. I don’t want any setbacks. During each one of my workouts I tell myself that I can do ANYTHING. This mental toughness is  normally a great thing, except when you are recovering from an injury.  Right now I cannot do everything I was doing before, especially not with the same weight, the same intensity, and the same duration. Physically this can’t and won’t happen right now, and I am definitely not chancing it!!

I practiced my group power workout yesterday and this workout is broken up into different body parts. Of course the leg tracks were easy for me to do and didn’t require modification.  I was however very shocked that the triceps track was challenging. Holding my arms overhead for a Triceps Extension was killer… and umm I wasn’t even using weights!  I guess moving your arms for 5 straight minutes really adds up!

I had no issue with the biceps track and was extremely happy that I was making progress.  Some of the shoulder movements weren’t so bad either but any exercise that required overhead movement or exercises that extended my arms backwards were a little uncomfortable. If I felt any discomfort I made sure to skip over the exercise.

With physical therapy tomorrow I am super anxious to see how far I have progressed and what new fun exercises I can add to my list! My approach with this injury is slow & steady. You really can’t rush an injury recovery and for that reason I am once again patiently waiting for having all my strength back! 

Have you had an injury before? How was your recovery both mentally & physically? 


Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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