The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Spinach & Mushroom Risotto


Trader Joe’s has done it again. This mushroom & herb risotto is unbelievable.


I have had in a few times before but I decided to amp it up with some extra veggies & flavor.


I sauteed some mushrooms & spinach in olive oil


and then following the risotto box mix instructions I made the risotto, added in the veggies, plus 1/4 cup of parmesan cheese, and BAM this deliciousness came together.


This meal is satisfying, healthy, and indulgent! I will have it again! I served the Risotto with pork chops but for a simple meal next time I will try mixing in some rotisserie chicken!

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. I’m so impressed with you. How do you find time to eat so well? Also, are you nursing? My son is now 3.5 months and I find that all I generally have time to eat are granola bars, spoonfuls of nut butters, string cheese and quick stuff. I usually have a decent breakfast, but after that my days are hit and miss. I end up getting so hungry and eating foods that will give me a quick sugar rush. I’m also nursing. Any advice??? My husband works a lot too.

    • Thank you! I have to really plan and prep healthy meals since I am on the go a lot. On Sundays when my husband is home we team up in the kitchen to cook and prepare meals. I first make a plan of what I need for snacks, meals, side dishes.. go shopping and then spend like an hour and a half in the kitchen. It doesn’t take too long if you plan.
      I nursed for the first 3 1/2 months and then I needed to stop. I know what you mean about resorting to granola bars, trust me at times I did too. Your appetite is increased so sometimes it is convenient to just grab what is available. Have you ever tried making bran or oatmeal muffins? I loved having them to grab for a quick snack.
      I always make larger quantity meals so that there are leftovers. Chili’s are great, I make tons of grilled chicken or chicken cutlets (since you need extra protein) Also, my go to snack lately is a baked sweet potato!! It is satisfying to me and you can have it with lunch or as a mid-afternoon snack. Hummus and veggies are great too!
      Let me know if you have any other questions :)

  2. Thanks for responding! I’m definitely going to have to do better with planning/cooking ahead. I’m vegetarian too. Sweet potatoes sound like a great snack!

    • Do you eat edamame? Or beans? They are great in salads! I also like toasted chickpeas or toasted pumpkin seeds for crunchy snacks!


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