The Fit Skool

by Kelly



Are you still feeling the sugar overload from Halloween weekend?

Trainer Tip Tuesday: Clean out the sugar from your diet
Even the healthiest people indulge in the Halloween fun. I had a few pieces of candy this weekend, and come Monday my body was craving veggies and healthy food.
Don’t get me wrong I had no regrets about indulging in some candy but now I want to get back on the clean eating train.
My tips for detoxing after a sugar-filled weekend!
1. WATER, WATER, WATER! Drink lots of it. Not only will it help get rid of the toxic foods we indulged in, it will keep you hydrated and alert for the day!
2. Exercise and get your sweat on! Don’t we all feel great after a workout? Working out will burn calories and help you sweat out the bad stuff. You will you feel awesome after :)
3. Eat lots of veggies & fruits.  They are high in water and the fiber will help keep you full longer.
4. Cut the sugar and treats. NO SUGAR. Try to eliminate any foods with added sugar, that includes granola bars, sugar in your coffee, store bough salad dressings, artificial sweeteners and packaged goods. Try it for 5 days, you might thank me at the end of the week!
5. Throw out your sugar! Sometimes just having certain foods in the house can make you crave them. If you are one of those people then open up your trash can and throw out anything that will haunt you. You can always donate any candy or goods that are sealed!
Don’t let sugar get the best of you. It will sabotage your diet and it will make you crave more & more sugar. I challenge you to eliminate all SUGAR this week, are you in?
Were you feeling sluggish from your sugar overload from the weekend? 
Are you someone that can keep candy and treats in your house without caving in?


Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Even though the only treats I indulged in were homemade paleo treats they still had some form of sweetener (honey, maple syrup) and I’m definitely needing a detox!

    • That’s great that your treats were still healthy treats, but I know what you mean about needing to detox because even too much honey and syrup will get you!

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