The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Day 5 of Clean Eating.. but its not over


Congratulations to everyone who participated in my clean eating challenge and for making it to Day 5. If you had a couple of slip ups its okay and I hope you keep going strong until the very end!

Can we first talk about how the temperature is 0 degrees out right now? This is the second time this week that it’s been 0!! I can’t say I’m looking forward to heading outside at all today.


On Day 4 with the challenge (yesterday) I had some carb cravings. Around my morning snack time at 10:00am my body wanted carbs and lots of carbs. I was in a rush to go to teach a class but I quickly through a packet of plain instant oatmeal with almond milk in the microwave. I had a scoop of peanut butter (1 tsp)… and BAM my craving was satisfied. I was so close to grabbing a granola bar and heading out the door but I kept my challengers in mind and didn’t give in!


I felt so happy with my decision because my belly was satisfied and I felt great. I have realized that I love being part of a group. Whether its teaching a class or hosting a challenge.. when you have people supporting you and holding you accountable you don’t want to let them down!! I really truly believe that this group helped me make it to Day 5!!

The good news is that I won’t stop just because its Day 5! When I first tried the challenge a couple of weeks ago I felt so good that I continued, so I guess this is really my Day 16. I had a couple treats here and there (Valentine’s Day Lava cakes & Red Wine) and this challenged helped me learn that you can treat yourself… but NOT EVERY day.


Besides that I was pretty clean! Most of my meals were balanced like this.


After 5 days of clean eating, I weighed myself this morning (I technically should’ve waited until tomorrow but I won’t be posting tomorrow so I figured I would share today) I was down 1 lb. I wasn’t trying to lose more then a 1lb so I am happy with that. I also feel like my stomach is less bloated and more flat then before I began doing this and my energy was up all week. This has to do with a combination of diet and exercise. I have been busting my butt with workouts this week and it was worth it.

All in all it has been a great week and now it’s time for the weekend!! I missed Grey’s Anatomy last night so I’m keeping my fingers crossed I can find it on demand tonight and catch up.. don’t tell me what happened.

I’m sure there’s other fun things I will do this weekend besides watch a TV episode but I have nothing set in stone which is pretty awesome. I am keeping my fingers crossed that there’s NO snow in the forecast!

Have a great weekend!

Do you ever have random cravings for carbs or protein, etc?

Have you ever set a goal or participated in a challenge but you weren’t focused or mentally committed?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Kelly, I’m glad I was able to be part of this challenge and it wouldn’t have been possible to go through it without all your advices and motivation. I had one slip up in my third day but you reminded about the importance of keep going and even stronger as I’m feeling and doing it now. The challenge is over but MY personal healthy eating challenge is not.

    • Hi Joselin :) Thank you so much for the sweet comment. I am happy that I could keep you motivated! I hope you will stick with it, you look great!!

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