The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: Rewind to Monday


I decided to mix up my What I ate Wednesday Post by sharing my food journal from Monday instead! Mondays are an active day for me so I tend to eat a little more and my snacks are a little more substantial.


I am linking up with Peas and Crayons for another WIAW post

My morning started off with a cup of French Vanilla Coffee and a splash of milk. Followed by 2 Eggs over easy, Mushrooms & Spinach with olive oil, & a small baked potato. This breakfast is so filling and satisfying for me.


From 730-830am I taught my usual Group Power class. My snack came shortly after the class around 9am. I had a coffee protein shake, a banana, and spoonful of peanut butter!


At 1030am I taught my Fit For Life class with my seniors. Apparently I have been working them a lot harder these past couple of weeks because I have received several comments on how they really liked the challenge I had been giving them! (Yes I sweat in that class!)

Lunch was leftovers. We had a lot of food from the weekend so Marc and I didn’t have much to do to get lunches organized. I opted for a bowl of my Sweet Potato Soup that I cooked this weekend to tide me over while I heated up my other food.


I had chicken marsala with green beans and I also shared some oatmeal with Ava. I didn’t take a picture cause to me oatmeal looks gross in pictures haha.


My afternoon snack was a Pita with Egg & Avocado (looks weird but tastes delicious) and also baby carrots


It may seem like I’m lazy, but dinner was Leftover Herbed Chicken over a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, gorgonzola cheese & balsamic with a side of Brussel Sprouts in olive oil & sea salt. Besides baking the brussel sprouts I didn’t have to cook anything, and no cooking can be pretty amazing on Mondays.


Around 8pm my hunger hit again… I had a PB &J Shakeology (Chocolate shakeology, Peanut Butter & Strawberries)


It needed some more strawberries but it was still chocolatey and delicious!

What afternoon snacks keep you satisfied?

What is something delicious you ate yesterday?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. I adore baked potatoes although I’ve never had one for breakfast. I may need to change that. :)

    • Hi Meghan! If you are a potato fan then you should definitely try them for breakfast. I usually slice or dice them up but I was super lazy Monday morning! A runny egg on top is delicious too ;)

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