On Monday I took a day off from work. I don’t know if I needed it physically or mentally, but I had planned about a month ago to take a day to just enjoy life and summer.
I had no idea what my plans would be but my body needed a rest from exercise. I wanted a day not to think as much and just go with the flow. Sometimes parties, weddings, taking care of a toddler, teaching classes and being active in general just calls for a day of relaxation.
Ava and I went to the beach on Monday and it was SUPER peaceful and enjoyable. Ava was in total chill out mode which was sort of unusual but I think our personal day came at the right time. We both played in the water & sand, and just enjoyed the summer weather.
(Oh yeah and it was fun to watch her chase the seagulls… she would yell tweet tweet and then run towards them!)
Of course I wish Marc was there, but we have our real vacation at the end of the month to look forward to.
My personal day didn’t consist of anything fancy, we didn’t go eat at a restaurant or go shopping but watching Ava play with her toys at the beach without having any other obligations or commitments was truly a blessing. I felt like I was able to just let my mind relax and not worry about social media, blogging, teaching classes, coaching, training, and all my everyday activities.
Being healthy isn’t all about working out and eating healthy its also about relaxing & enjoying life.
It was the best day off I have had in a long time!
Have you ever taken a personal day for yourself?
What have you done to enjoy the summer weather?