The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Things I’m loving this week!


These posts have become a weekly blog topic for me because I really do enjoy looking back and picking out new things that have stood out as “favorites” to me!

I usually only pick a handful of things but I usually have at least 10 on my mind. Some of them are repeats so I don’t post them ;)


On Labor Day we went to my parents to BBQ. My brother has been eating really healthy and trying lots of new nutritious snacks and foods and one of them was Ranch Kale Chips. I was excited to try them because I have only had them with olive oil and sea salt. Before I tried them he told me he wasn’t a fan, but after one bite I was sold. I really did like it and I was also happy to hear that they had 6g of protein, 4g fiber, iron and vitamin K with each serving!

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Speaking of last weekend, my whole family was sick… rather then ramble on about sick details I want to tell you about my frequent trips to Green and Tonic. I went there twice last weekend and both times I took a shot of Fire Cider! No it doesn’t have alcohol, its an immunity booster shot containing apple cider vinegar, ginger, and HABANERO! This stuff is legit. I know I mentioned it last week, but I loved the way I felt after drinking it. It was almost like having a cup of coffee, a rinse of mouthwash and a lozenger in one gulp. That may sound weird but it worked wonders so I needed to mention it again.


I’m a huge fan of anything popcorn related. It’s probably one of my favorite healthy snacks, so when I saw this bag of Chia Pop I had to buy it. I was intrigued that it had chia powder but I assumed it would taste like regular popcorn and it did. The flavor was salt & pepper and I was surprised when I was full after one serving. Marc liked it too!


Ice cream is my weakness. It’s a part of my life and it’s one of my go to treats especially in the summer time and especially when I have a sore throat. What’s not soothing about ice cream right?? I stumbled upon this Breyers Natural Vanilla when I was just GLANCING at the ice cream aisle…. it caught my eye and when I saw that it only had 5 ingredients I knew it was a winner. It was creamy, delicious, soothed my sore throat, and tasted great. Each serving only has 130 calories too!

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 Ava has been such a happy camper these last 2 days and really what’s not to love about a happy child! She’s been energized and so fun to play with.


We have no big plans this weekend and I’m looking forward to a relaxing weekend!

What are some things you are loving this week?

Any fun weekend plans?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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