The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Candy in moderation & Halloween recap


My post came a little late today. We had a busy, productive, fun weekend and I just let myself enjoy every second of it without thinking about writing a blog post.

I hope you all had a wonderful Halloween!! I think this was one of my favorites in a while. To see Ava all dressed up and excited to go Trick or treating made the holiday even more special to me.

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While I didn’t capture any AMAZING pictures of her smiling, Marc was able to capture a picture of her knocking on a door, which made my night.


We had practiced knocking and saying trick or treat prior to the big night.

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After a few houses, Ava started picking up on the tricks and I could tell she was more into it.


She started grabbing more and more candy each time!!


The big question did we let her eat candy???

YES. If she didn’t show any interest, I wasn’t going to open it and put it in her mouth but she said “mommy open” to almost every piece of candy. Rather then un open all of them, we decided to give her a few M&Ms. Those are smaller in size and she lost interest so we put them away.

I don’t want to deprive Ava of anything in life. She needs to learn everything in moderation just like all of us.

I’ve heard so many stories as a personal trainer of kids that were deprived of pizza and “bad foods” there whole childhood who go on to binge and eat bad foods after high school and in college when they live on their own. I believe that if we set good examples at home and allow a little bit of fun & treats everyone can live healthy & happy ;)

What are your thoughts on kids having candy?

Did you grow up in strict household or were you allowed to eat whatever you wanted?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Watching kids catch on to Halloween is so funny.

    I think candy is fine in moderation – we all had it growing up and we’re fine now!

    • It was SO fun watching Ava learn about trick or treating. Clearly she had fun and who doesn’t want a bowl of candy in their face time after time.

      I totally agree about candy in moderation. I had my fair share as a kid and I’m good to go ;)

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