The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Things I’m Loving This Week!


Happy Fridayyyy!!

This week started out slow for me, but the last 2 days were rather quick. I can’t complain. Overall this week has been productive, fun and exciting.

I want to share with you some THINGS I’M LOVING FROM THIS WEEK:


What’s not to LOVE about the weather here in CT this week. With temperatures in the high 60’s and low 70’s I felt like being outside every second that I could. We took Cooper to the Park and on extra long walks, Ava was able to go to the playground in a T-shirt, and we played outside in the yard at my parents house.


I can’t say I’m really looking forward to winter, but I guess I’ll appreciate the season change when it happens.

I’m on a FRUIT kick this week. Give me all the fruit. I don’t know if it’s the warmer weather or just the fact that fruit is ridiculously expensive so I haven’t bought a ton of it.. it just makes me want more! I’ve been eating raspberries, grapes, apples, bananas and


 I even bought a mini watermelon this week!!


Today is my rest day. I will not be exercising and I’m kinda excited for a day off! I have been working extra hard this week with my workouts and also with the extra classes I’ve subbed so my body is craving some relaxation. I will of course walk Cooper but that will be the extent of my exercise.

Since starting my 21 Day Fix Holiday Challenge Group on Monday I really haven’t eaten anything bad or processed so I don’t have a ton of “packaged” goods to share with you. I’ve been eating a lot clean, real food.


I’m really digging breakfast as usual, and home cooked meals that involve meatballs, and chicken cutlets!

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I finally found a PUMPKIN CHOBANI yogurt this week. There was 1 left, do you think it was a sign? Or a tease? I saved it for last night after Boot Camp class, I figured i could get in some extra protein and I topped it with a little granola. So delicious!


I found this interesting clip on Shakeology’s Instagram feed about Cinnamon Bun Calories vs making a shake. Growing up when my mom made cinnamon buns we used to all go nuts. There’s something so yummy about the SMELL of them alone. Looking at the calories on this bad boy, it definitely made me want to try out the shake instead ;)


I found this picture of my mom and I, from my friend Lauren’s wedding and I had to share!


Ava’s birthday is officially less then a month away and I need to think of something fun to get her. I am open to present suggestions.


She will be 2, and this girl loves everything. She loves being active, reading books, playing with here toys, coloring, pushing her baby in the stroller, playing hide & seek. I need something creative to get her. I always tend to buy educational stuff but I need something that she can use her imagination and have fun with!

Now I’m off to train at the YMCA and then we have an action packed weekend ahead of us that includes a trip to Rhode Island to see our new baby niece, I’m subbing a Group Power Class on Sunday and then heading up to Waterbury CT to see the show WHITE CHRISTMAS!!!


What are some of your favorite things from the week?

Do you have any fun plans for the weekend?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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