The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Baby #2: Pregnancy Update Weeks 11-13


This will pretty much catch us up on pregnancy updates. I’m currently 14 weeks pregnant so I have one more post to share with you guys and we will be on track going forward!

I’m so glad I kept track of this info…. looking back on my updates with Ava got me really excited for this pregnancy and it’s interesting to see what I went through during each phase of the pregnancy. I’m happy to say that today I’m feeling great!! FINGERS CROSSED. I won’t say anything else, I don’t want to jinx my feelings today.


Week 11 The baby is the size of a FIG

Week 12 The baby is the size of a LIME

Week 13 The baby is the size of a PEACH


Week 11 Gained 1.5 lb

Week 12 Gained 1 lb

Week 13 Gained 1 lb (Up 7-7.5lbs)


Week 11

going into week 11 I had just gotten over that crazy migraine that was hormonal related. It wiped me out for 2 days, and from that point on I decided to scale back my workouts. I took a day off from work and added in more rest. Besides that I taught 2 boot camp classes and 1 group power class. That’s 1/2 the amount I normally teach.


The picture on the left is week 11 (my 2nd pregnancy) the picture on the right is taken at 14 weeks (my 1st pregnancy) pretty similar right? It’s crazy how much sooner things are happening this time around.

Week 12

I had some days of nausea relief which were amazing. I had my normal workout schedule. 2 Group Power Classes, 2 Fit For Life, & 2 Boot Camp Classes plus I walked Cooper each day.

Week 13

Week 13 was a busy one for me and I was a lot more active. I finally started doing productive things around the house and I was able to function a bit better. I did my normal 6 classes of teaching and I also had 2 extra workouts (Group Power practice) I did go lighter with my weights because I didn’t want to overdue it.


Week 11

I had bouts of nausea here and there but I am praying that in the upcoming weeks it will go away. Keep your fingers crossed for me.

Week 12

I was pretty lazy, my nausea got the best of me and I rested whenever I wasn’t working. Besides that I only had a couple small headaches.

Week 13

My nausea was letting up a bit but I got a sore throat from Ava and that just seemed to make me feel a little worse. I hope Week 14 is the lucky week.


Week 11

Sweet potatoes (which is sad because I loved them during my first pregnancy) veggies unless they are mixed into my meals.

Week 12 

Sweet potatoes, I tried again but I couldn’t do it. Veggies unless they are scrambled in my eggs or in salads..

Week 13

Still sweet potatoes, certain veggies.


Week 11

Chicken Salad, Meat, Potatoes, Citrus Fruit, Cheese

Week 12

Soups, Chili, Chicken, Meat, Fish, any protein basically, cheese, grapefruit, potatoes

Week 13

Red Meat, Potatoes, Grilled Cheese, BACON (almost every day), Maple pumpkin KIND Bars, salads (which is still weird to me)


Picture was taken at 12 Weeks


Week 11

Sleep has been great, I look forward to closing my eyes at night.

Week 12

I have been sleeping like a rock. A few wakeups to pee but I’m a zombie and go right back to bed

Week 13

I had one bad night of sleep but that was because my mind was racing. Other then that sleep is GOOD.


Picture was taken at 12 Weeks + 3 days


Week 11

I’m looking forward to our ultrasound on New Years Eve. We will get all the BIG tests out of the way and then I will feel comfortable sharing the news with EVERYONE!!! I can’t keep hiding this secret anymore :)

Week 12

We had our ultrasound and everything was great. We saw the baby moving around and we could even see the mouth moving. Technology is crazy.

Week 13

I’m counting down the days until our Anatomy scan, where we find out the gender!!


Week 11

I have no strong feelings this week!!

Week 12

Girl I had a lot more nausea this week

Week 13

Leaning towards boy because my friends keep saying that’s their guess.


We are still holding off on buying things until we find out if its a boy or girl on February 17th

IMG_9001 IMG_8999

Picture was taken at 13 weeks + 3 days (things are starting to POP)


Week 11

This was Christmas week and we did a lot of traveling and spending time with family and friends. It was wonderful and helped pass the time until our next doctor appointment!! Think I was excited for my ultrasound???

Week 12

Ava and I took some pictures this week and it was so cute to see her touching my belly and also talking to the baby. She kinda gets what’s going on. She says HI BABY and puts her face up to my belly. She literally made me smile so big it hurt.

Week 13

I felt some movement. I was sitting on the couch and just finished eating a yogurt when I felt some crazy quick movement in my belly. I know it wasn’t anything else and I couldn’t help but get excited. I can’t wait to feel kicks soon ;)


if you have ever been pregnant before, did you pop a little sooner with the second?

Are you a fan of pregnancy updates?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. You’re such a cute pregnant lady! :) Glad the nausea calmed down. I can’t imagine one of those Princess Kate-type pregnancies.

    • Thanks Laura :)

      OMG I am thankful I wasn’t as bad as Princess Kate. To be honest I kept reminding myself that someone else has it worse! It helped me push forward.

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