The Fit Skool

by Kelly

WIAW: Brownie Craving


Happy Hump Day!!

This week is a normal week for me and my body is feeling it. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t looking forward to Easter weekend already! I’m sore all over and while I like being sore, pregnancy sore is a little different and makes me want to be lazy!! I didn’t do anything different I just hadn’t been active for a week so I’m feeling the workouts this week!!!


Since it’s Wednesday I figured I should link up with the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Laura’s Blog today to share my food journal with you from Monday’s active day.

I woke up around 545am. A little earlier then I would like but sometimes the extra time in the morning is actually nice. I had 1/2 cup of coffee and this breakfast:


2 eggs, sautéed spinach in olive oil and sliced potatoes.

I taught Group Power from 730-830am and was dripping sweat. I also left the class hungry again.


I snacked on a banana as I went to pick Ava up. We headed home for some more snacking ;)


I had a piece of toast with avocado and egg


plus some mixed nuts!

It was filling and tasty.

My second class at 1030 was action packed and we didn’t stop moving for the hour. The room was hot too so I felt like it was more challenging for some reason.

When I got home I prepared Ava’s lunch. She wanted chicken nuggets, apples, and french fries. I had some leftover Corned Beef, Cabbage & Potatoes.


This plate looks like a hot mess but it was super tasty and salty!

Ava woke up from a short nap and I decided to eat a quick snack before we headed out for a long walk with Cooper.


I opted for my yogurt combo… Chobani yogurt with strawberries and granola. I’m obsessed with parfaits and they are always so tasty and satisfying!!

We walked for about 25/30 minutes with a water break in there for me and Ava. I think we all like the fresh air and being outside. Thank goodness spring is here because I can’t wait to spend time at the beach, parks, and playgrounds!!!

For dinner we kept it simple with salads.


My salad had mixed greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, celery, chicken and balsamic dressing.


I was craving some carbs so I also had 1/2 a sweet potato.

The rest of the night was spent playing with Ava and reading her books before bed.

Marc and I ended our night with an episode of Scandal & Brownie sundaes.


Because why not??? When you are pregnant and you crave something you totally go with it or else your body is NOT happy ;) Plus I’m trying to make some gains from being sick. At least that’s one of my other excuses.

Anyways, it was a great day of eats even though my meals were simple and not creative. Now… lets bring on the holiday weekend?? I can’t wait for Ava do some Easter Egg Hunting.

What’s something yummy you ate this week?

Did you have cravings when you were pregnant?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Costco nuts are the best. :) I love Chobani because it’s so thick and creamy.

    • I’m a huge fan of costco. I always find great foods there.

      I agree chobani is creamy and it’s been making several snack appearances this week!

  2. I’m personally loving the sounds of Ava’s chicken finger lunch…
    But all your eats look and sound divine :). So much variety in one day!! I always feel good when I feel like I had “a bit of everything.” Or when I end my day with a brownie..

    • Ava’s lunch was pretty amazing.

      Ending the day with a brownie is ALWAYS a win. :) Sometimes I make sure I eat extra healthy so that I can indulge in that treat later on.

  3. I’m pretty bummed that I didn’t get any corned beef and cabbage this year – I seriously only eat it on St. Patrick’s day, but I was in the hospital this year! Womp. Yours looks so good!

    • I only eat it on St Patricks day too!! It’s definitely an easy meal to whip up anytime though. You should definitely make it in the crockpot ones day :)

      I’m sorry you were in the hospital. I hope everything is okay!!

  4. I always forget how good mixed nuts are! Just whole food, protein packed goodness:)

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