The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Small Projects & Weekend Recap


Well hello there…

Monday rolled around rather quickly and I have a busy day ahead of me. Luckily, I’m feeling well rested from the weekend and ready to tackle the day.

My weekend didn’t have too many exciting plans but here’s a quick recap for you:

Friday night was our low key night. We made dinner at home. I was in the mood for salmon so I went with it.


These pictures are blurry but Ava and Marc had a dance party. She thought it was hilarious.

Once Ava was asleep Marc and I watched Grey’s Anatomy from 2 weeks ago. I’m so behind from being sick!

I never get sick of that show.

Saturday we were up bright and early as usual. There’s no sleeping in anymore and I’m okay with it. I like getting the day started off early.

Rather then sit around and waste time I started doing some small house projects that were on my To-Do List. I cleaned out some drawers that had collected unnecessary clutter, sorted through papers and bills that have gotten pushed to the side and started organizing my life a little more.

I opted for a morning workout at home. I was feeling good but decided to keep it short & sweet and not push myself too hard. I did a cardio kickboxing workout for about 25 minutes. It’s my ultimate favorite on demand workout and it secretly gets me fired up!!!


We got a surprise visit from Marc’s parents who decided to drive down from Rhode island to see us. It was a nice surprise and I’m pretty sure Ava was jumping for joy when they arrived.

In the afternoon we went to the park and playground to let Cooper run around while Ava played on the slide.


It was fun.

Once again our night ended very low key and we made a delicious steak dinner, watched TV and relaxed!


Since Ava and I just recently got over the stomach flu relaxing was a huge part of the weekend. I didn’t want to push either of us and have one of us end up sick again!

Sunday morning was another early one for us. I drank a little coffee and ate breakfast… as tired as I was I decided to take on another project around the house. MY CLOSET & DRESSER DRAWERS... You guys, I’m not organized with my clothes and somehow I have too much! I got out some bins and put stuff away in our attic, I filled a bag for goodwill and man did it feel good to organize that part of my life.

It’s the small things that make you feel good sometimes!

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In the afternoon we made another park & playground trip so that Cooper and Ava could have some fun.


The picture on the right is Cooper from a distance coming to find us at the playground once he realized we walked away from the field. He was in his GLORY.

All in all it was a productive but relaxing weekend. I couldn’t really ask for more :)

 Do you have a “To-Do List?”

If so, how often do you get to the things on those list?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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