The Fit Skool

by Kelly

10 minute Abs/Arms/Legs/Cardio

Warm-up for 5 minutes doing dynamic warm up exercises & stretches (45 minute workout)

Perform as many rounds as possible of each of the following circuits, set your timer at 10 minutes. (Choose a weight that’s challenging but keep in mind you are going hard for 20 seconds)


1. Jumping Jacks
2. Skaters
3. Boxing (cross punch)
4. Side Shuffle (Bosu Ball)

20 seconds of work/10 seconds of recovery


1. In & Out crunch
2. Plank cross-crunch
3. Side plank (perform 20 seconds each side)
4. Russian twists

20 seconds of work/10 seconds of recovery

1. Squat to one arm row
2. Surfer squat jumps
3. Side lunge knee raise
4. Jumping jack lunges

20 seconds of work/10 seconds of recovery


1. Pushup T
2. Shoulder Press
3. Bicep Curl
4. Pushups
5. Triceps Kickbacks

20 seconds of work/10 seconds of recovery

Complete as many rounds as possible of each of the following circuits, set your timer at 10 minutes

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