The Fit Skool

by Kelly


15 WEEKS today and the baby is about the size of an APPLE.

Weight gained: at my 12 week appointment the doctor had me up 3lbs (according to my scale at home I am up 7lbs) I mainly feel it in my thighs, hips and boobs! Right now my boobs are beating my belly, Can’t complain about that one!

Gender: we are dying to find out!



This picture was taken at 14 weeks

Workouts: Last week I did 3 boot camp workouts, 1 cardio session on the elliptical, a 30-minute walk in the 90-degree heat, and an upper body workout for 30 minutes. I also walked a ton at Yankee stadium so that’s got to count too!

Symptoms: Besides being tired at night, none! I have had more energy over the last week. My nausea does come and go and occasions and headaches are here and there but nothing I can’t handle!

Food Aversions: Spinach. I had sirloin steak, a baked potato and spinach and for some reason I had a hard time eating the spinach! It’s weird though because the next day I scrambled some eggs with the leftover spinach and I had no problem eating it.

Food Cravings: None! If anything I find myself eating more meat & potatoes, and I am eating more cold fruit but that is probably because its been so hot and humid I am always looking for something cold & refreshing.

Sleep: Excellent, sleep like a rock!


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Picture taken at 15 weeks

Maternity clothes:  My mom bought be 2 pairs of cute maternity shorts. They are SO comfortable I don’t know how I am going to get myself back to wearing regular shorts with a button!

Stretch marks: None!! I hope we can keep it that way.

Do I Miss Anything: I miss eating fish. I would eat a cold tuna sandwich every other day if I could!

Movement: about once a day I feel a weird gargling in the right side of my stomach. Its like nothing I have ever felt before. Could it be baby flutters?? I am not sure but I think it’s too early!

Baby Items Purchased: None! I am waiting for my next appointment before I start shopping. I know once I start I won’t be able to stop; baby clothes are too darn cute.

Wedding Rings ON or OFF: On!!

I’m Looking Forward To: My next Doctors appointment. I find out if the babies a boy or a girl! What is your guess??

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