The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Balancing out the body


Yesterday I went to physical therapy for my foot. (Yes I have been out of the walking boot for a week now!) They treated me for a ligament strain or stress fracture and tendinitis. When I first arrived Melissa my Physical Therapist checked my alignment at my hips & ankles. My hips were aligned but my ankles were slightly off. It turns out that my left foot (the walking boot foot) had a seriously tight posterior Tibialis muscle. This is the muscle that runs along the inner ankle bone all the way up the back of the calf. (take note: it is not the calf muscle)

After some painful massage of my posterior tibialis, Melissa also used a stick roller to massage my IT Band (Iliotibial Band). If you haven’t been to physical therapy before rolling out any tight muscles can be torturous at first. I know the reward of the massage which is muscles that are relaxed and aren’t holding onto tension, so I act tough during the remainder of the session.

After doing an exercise to build up the arches in my feet I was finished. I walked around and felt completely loose and I could tell that my alignment was significantly better! Thank you Physical Therapy!! I love it.

I am constantly paying attention to my areas of weakness and I focus on making those areas stronger. Right now my feet are my weakness and I need to strengthen my arches. If I don’t it will cause more muscular imbalances in other areas of my body.

Do you notice any muscle imbalances in your body? What do you do to correct them? here are a few stretches I do multiple times per week:

For a tight lower back

Lay on your back and tuck your knees into your chest, let your knees fall to one side of your body and then switch. I find that this helps stretch your butt and lower back.

For tight hamstrings…

lie on your back and stay completely flat. Wrap a towel around one of your ankles and keeping your leg straight pull your leg up as far as you can. This helps stretch the back of your legs.

If you slouch forward… rounded shoulders

Try stretching out your chest. Find an open door frame and grab the door frame so your arm is extended straight back at or just under shoulder level. This should help open up your chest.

Before beginning a new exercise program consult your physician first


Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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