The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Pushup Challenge #2


Last week I had mentioned a Pushup Challenge that Marc has been doing for the past week! I decided to join him, and now I want you to join me.

When your trainer or fitness instructor tells you to pushups do you make a face and say “I Hate Pushups??” I constantly hear from my clients and people in the gym that they hate pushups & pull-ups.  Usually when you dislike an exercise you are weak in that area, and in this case the weakness would come from your chest and arms.

Obviously Pushups aren’t easy, you can make them easier; it just takes practice!!! So lets practice together.

A while back I challenged you to this PUSHUP CHALLENGE. The challenge was to complete as many PUSHUPS as possible in 1 day. 


I have a new challenge for you and it starts today.  This time instead of 1 day lets work every other day for 10 days! 

Drop down and do some pushups throughout your day, at the end of your day record how many you completed. Take a day of rest in between and then try to beat your number!!

Lets see after 10 days how much our Pushup Strength improves!

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**Please consult your Doctor or Physician before beginning any new exercise program**



Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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