The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Day 7 of our Healthy Eating Challenge


If you joined me in the challenge for 7 days of Healthy Eating, how did you do? Do you feel any different?

Eating healthy does require planning and meal prep, no one said it’s easy but that’s because most of our lifestyles force us to resort to the GRAB-N-GO type foods that require no thought. Sometimes I hate deciding what to cook for dinner or what I need to pack for my lunch and snacks for the next day.. but I realized that when I am not prepared I make poor choices, I eat less veggies, and my meals don’t keep me as full. Do you agree?

On Sunday Marc and I sat down and planned out our dinners for most of the week. Then I made a big trip to the grocery store so that I had all my ingredients when it came time to make my meals. Its a no brainer!

Over the past week, here are what some of our dinners looked like:

Grilled Blackened Salmon served with veggies


Ginger Sirloin Tips with Asparagus & Sweet Potato


Sesame seared Ahi Tuna served with edamame and zucchini bites


Sweet Potato Shepherd’s Pie


Thai Chicken Brown with Veggies & Brown Rice (take out from a Thai Restaurant)


When you are planning and cooking meals, Try to think outside the box, you don’t have to eat CHICKEN every night to eat healthy. Keep trying new recipes and new flavors!

Did you learn anything new  from eating HEALTHIER this past week? 

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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