The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Trainer Tip Tuesday #3- Short workouts


Trainer Tip TuesdayA short workout is better then NO workout. I think we can all spare 20 minutes to get in a quick workout.

While watching the Patriots game on Sunday I completed a quick 20-minute bodyweight workout that left me huffing and puffing. I handed Marc my phone and set up the timer so that every minute he could tell me to change exercises. Ava challenged me during my pushups by trying to pull herself up on me.

As my WARM-UP I took a brisk 5 minute walk around the block with Cooper to get my blood pumping.

20 Minute Full Body Quickie

Perform each exercise for 1 MINUTE, repeat circuit 3X or more depending on how long you have to train

Jump Rope 

If you don’t have space for a rope, jump in place

Lunge to Knee Raise 

step back into your lunge, as you come back to your starting position raise your knee up to waist height

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Twisting Crunch

Lying flat on the floor with your hands behind your head, lift your shoulders off the floor and rotate to the left, repeat and switch sides



For form and variations of pushups check out this link: Do-A-Push-UP


Fake Lateral Cone-Hops

take two lateral hops to each side, if you have cones use them! If not you could put 2 paper plates down instead.

Lateral Cone Hops

Cool Down With some light stretching

Do you like to exercise on Sundays? 

What are some of your go to quick workouts?


**Always consult a Doctor or Physician before beginning a new exercise program**

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. I should totally start doing my workouts while the hubby watches football. he likes to sleep in on the weekends so I typically go to the gym before everyone else is awake. I can take my time and the gym is usually pretty empty so it’s nice.

    • My workout flew by because I had so many distractions! Between the baby and the football on TV it was great. My weekly workouts are when I teach Boot Camp and my 2 Group Power strength training classes, it is a nice change to do an at home workout!

      That’s awesome that you have an empty gym in the mornings.

  2. Pingback: Trainer Tip #11: Follow through with your commitment. | The Fit Skool

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