The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Hamstring Strain


This is not something new but for a couple of months on and off I had a nagging ache in my hamstring. I pretty much knew it was a strain but it came and went and didn’t bother me with most exercise.

I guess you could say I neglected it, but I blame life. Life got in the way, Ava was sick, the weather has been terrible, I got sick, basically the winter happened. I finally got an appointment yesterday and It felt great to be tortured with massage and stretching.

Although going to Physical Therapy means you have an injury, I still love it because every time I leave I feel great. Basically my Physical Therapist told me that I have a hamstring strain, and my hamstring was crazy tight. I pretty much knew this going into our appointment because it started limiting me last week.

It wasn’t until last week (when I was sick) I was doing WAY less then I normally do and I started to feel my hamstring ache on and off. Funny right? You think with an injury the more active you are the more it hurts. Not with this one. Activity helped my hamstring feel better, it kept it loose.

So although a hamstring strain in some cases can be debilitating and super painful depending on the level strain, mine is only a mild strain and I am happy it won’t effect my job or anything else right now. All I need to do is stretch, massage, and perform my PT exercises!

I am SO TIGHT… and here are a few of my stretches that have been helping a ton:

The Mermaid Stretch:


Adductor Stretch:


The Figure 4:


One of my fears was having this injury sideline me, but GOOD NEWS it won’t! I can still squat, deadlift, and teach my classes. As long as nothing causes pain :)

As a trainer I have learned not to ignore injuries. They can be painful the longer you put them off and they will take away from your ability to progress your fitness! I am glad I got this appointment in before anything turned serious!

Have you ever had a minor injury before? 

Have you ever had an injury that was caused because you delayed seeing a doctor? 

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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