The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Summer Weather and Relaxation


I’m sad the weekend is over, but I’m super happy we were able to spend time with friends and family while enjoying the lovely summer weather.

I am going to do a quick “Photo Recap” of the weekend with some random comments to sort of explain how our weekend went:

Friday night we had a kid and adult play date with our neighbors.


Ava had a blast playing with her friend Grace.

Saturday morning Marc played golf and my mom came over. We organized my closet (I’m so unorganized and messy when it comes to closets)


We ate grilled chicken & grilled veggie wraps from Garden Catering.


In the afternoon we had a pool play date with our neighbors at NYAC


It turned out to be a beautiful day.


We got some take out dinner. I chose Chicken Marsala and shared it with Ava.


Sunday I trained in the morning and then did some food prep. We had sandwiches and salads with Marc’s family for a light lunch.


In the afternoon we took Ava to the toy store. It was great entertainment because what kid isn’t happy in a toy store! Can we talk about Ava’s hair in this picture? I’m a bad mom for not brushing it before we left.

Anyways It was such a great weekend and now I’m off to teach Group Power.

What do you do to keep cool during the hot weather?

What’s something fun you did this weekend?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. Ugh, it’s been so hot here! Today we went to a nearby creek so the kids could play and they had a blast. Makes it even better that it was free :-) Otherwise we go to the library, Barnes and Nobles, the mall, or splash pads quite a bit. The downside of the last one is that I have to sit in the heat :-(

    • That’s such a great idea to let the kids play in a creek near your house! Ava loves anything that has to do with water, I should see if we have something like that nearby.

      The library is always a good stop too when it’s really hot out ;)

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