The Fit Skool

by Kelly

10 Grab and Go Breakfast Ideas

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Mornings can be quite the busy time! If  you feel rushed and have to feed your kids, bring them to school, or if you are like me and have scheduled clients that you need to be on time for, you need quicker breakfast options.

I never skip breakfast; my body just won’t function without it so I always make time for it. If putting together a few things the night before is what it takes, I set aside the 10 minutes to prepare and I won’t lie, I am always thankful the next morning when everything is set to go.

Here are some quick breakfasts for those mornings that you really don’t have more then 5 minutes to get a healthy meal together!

10 On-The-Go Breakfast ideas

1. Whole-grain cereal in a baggie (Kashi go lean crunch has protein & fiber)

2. A couple hard-boiled eggs & string cheese

4. Low-fat yogurt mixed with granola & fruit (good source of carbs & protein)

5. Whole-grain English muffins with peanut butter or almond butter

6. 2 eggs and low fat cheese in a whole-wheat tortilla, a tortilla with turkey and low-fat cheese, scrambled eggs with diced peppers and onions in a tortilla

7. An egg and low fat cheese on a whole wheat English muffin

8. Low fat cottage cheese (mixed with berries or nuts)

9. Whole wheat waffle sandwich with a tbsp of peanut butter & sliced banana

10. Plain instant oatmeal with fresh berries & nuts

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

One Comment

  1. These are great! Thanks Kel :)

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