The Fit Skool

by Kelly

21 Day Fix Review


Most of you know, I have been a Fitness Coach since January through a company called Beachbody. I’m sure you have heard of several of their workout programs, like insanity, 21 day fix, T-25, P90x.. etc.

I have been a fan of their programs for YEARS and I can honestly say I love them all. They are all unique and different but focus on giving you the best results in a short amount of time.


For my last few challenge groups I have used the 21 Day Fix as my workout plan. It’s great for all fitness levels, and my favorite part is the nutrition plan.


It teaches you the correct portions, without having to count calories, points, carbs, etc. You learn to eat REAL food, you learn how much of each food group you should consume, and you are allowed treats.


You all know I love my PEANUT BUTTER, but I also love carbs & fruit as well. Through this program I learned that I was eating lots of extra carbs, extra servings of fruit a day, and also a few extra spoonfuls of peanut butter then I should’ve been.


When I started balancing everything out by using the portion control containers, I started seeing more physical changes and my muscle tone improved a ton!

It took a lot of focus but once I got the hang of the meal plan, it got easier and eventually became part of my lifestyle. My energy is more balanced, I have less cravings and I couldn’t be happier.

I still enjoy a slice of pizza here, some ice cream and wine here and there but f you portion everything out there’s really nothing you can’t eat on this plan.


As a personal trainer & instructor I find it difficult to find time to do workouts that I WANT to do. My classes are always set in stone so I’m forced to do that workout for the day. As much as I love all my classes, it’s nice to work on different muscles and try new workouts. It keeps my muscles confused and I love that each day brings a new style workout.


The 21 day fix workouts are 30 minutes, they are quick, effective, & challenging. I really enjoy the change of pace these workouts offer. Anyone can do them, the moves are mostly low impact and it pushes my muscles in a different way. It forced me to step outside of my comfort zone and do pilates and yoga which are totally different workouts for me, but they were improving my strength, flexibilty & balance and I love that!


If you do choose to have a coach, you will be motivated & pushed throughout your challenge. I’m always the coach but believe it or not, my groups have pushed me and kept me on track during each of the challenges. There were days I didn’t want to exercise or days when I literally wanted to eat a whole carton of ice cream, but I would see someone else post a picture of their “healthy” meals or text me saying that just busted their butts in the workout and that was all I needed to stay on track myself!!

I never realized how awesome it was to be a part of an online fitness group and now I know why people have so much success with these groups.

I’m so happy to be a part of it and I love being able to help others reach their goals!


If you are interested in joining any of my upcoming challenges, I’m hosting one on Monday October 5th, you can email me for more info:

Have you ever done a beachbody program before?

Have you ever been a part of a fitness challenge group?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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