I decided to share a pregnancy update with you today. My last update was at 21 weeks and I feel like things are starting to really change around here.
My belly is officially a round bump and I love it. It’s a different shape then my belly was with Ava and I’m loving that it’s different. It’s more round and pops out more. With Ava I was kind of big all around my waist and my stomach didn’t stick out as much.
I appreciate so many more body changes the second time around and I feel blessed that this baby is growing strong and healthy!!!
The Baby is the length of a GRAPEFRUIT, Weighing about 1.5 lbs
Weight gained
about 13 lbs.. I lost a couple pounds when I was sick but once I started eating/drinking again I gained it back quick!
It’s a BOY!!!
(Picture taken at 23 weeks)
My workouts this week were very limited because I was so sick.
here’s how they looked:
WEDNESDAY 1 hour Group Power Strength training class plus 20 minute walk with Cooper
THURSDAY Boot camp class
After Thursday… it went downhill and I didn’t workout until Wednesday again. My body needed the rest!!
Besides Stomach Flu Symptoms, I don’t have any crazy symptoms to share. I am peeing more frequently but that is expected I think!
Food Aversions:
Not too many aversions. Once I was back to my normal eating I wanted to eat EVERYTHING!!
Food Cravings:
- yogurt parfaits
- chicken, meat, eggs
- carbs.. bread, potatoes, oats
- fruit, in particular watermelon and blackberries!
- avocado toast
My sleep this past week was non-existent. Between Ava being sick and myself I had a couple nights in a row that I only slept 4 hours. Pretty miserable right?? I’m hoping things look better in this next week and I’m able to get back to my 8 hrs!!!
Maternity clothes:
I’m super pumped that I got some maternity clothes for my birthday. I didn’t want to buy myself anything but the truth is I needed it!! I got 6 different tops, 2 pairs of pants and a dress!!! I can’t wait for spring weather to wear it all
Stretch marks:
None yet! which reminds me to lotion more…
Do I Miss anything:
I miss laying on my belly!!! I caught myself sleeping that way a couple times but I’m making a conscious effort to sleep on my side now.
I miss ab work. I can still do plank exercises but sit ups are off the list and I’m basically coaching my clients and classes through the ab work rather then doing it.
Baby boy is pretty active particularly between 9-11pm. He moves whenever I eat fruit or something with sugar in it and he has startled me several times at work when I’m teaching and training. Those belly rolls sometimes make me queezy.
(Picture taken at 23 weeks. Please excuse my pale sick face!!)
Baby Items Purchased:
No new recent purchases, but we will be doing some work in the babies room soon
Wedding rings ON or OFF:
Belly Button IN or OUT?
My belly button is on the verge of being an outie. This is totally new to me and never happened with Ava. I’m assuming it’s because my belly has been stretched before and this little boy is making my belly grow a lot faster.
I’m Looking Forward To:
I’m looking forward to the warmer weather to be outside more with Ava and Cooper. I want to take full advantage of all the time I have with her before this baby is born. I am also looking forward to buying a new carpet for the baby’s room!
Random Things:
We got to see our baby boy last week and hear his heart beat. It was amazing. We also got to hear the heart beat again when I was in the Emergency Room which was reassuring that he was doing okay!!
On a random note, I would be lying if I wasn’t looking forward to sleep every night. I know I’m exhausted because I’ve been lacking in that department but seriously sleep has been on my mind a lot lately!!
That pretty much wraps up my update for this week!!
For more pregnancy updates head over to my Baby #2 pregnancy page