The Fit Skool

by Kelly

June 20, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

Perfect Weather & Father’s Day 2016

I hope you all had a lovely weekend with family & friends. Ours was filled with outdoor fun and of course time with family.

Friday was a rather easy day for me work wise since I had to cut back on work a bit. If you missed part of that update click here.

I have 2 more days until I’m full term and I really can’t wait to make it to that date!! It’s been quite challenging for me to “take it easy” and “not workout.” I’m usually Go-G0-Go so it was a completely different change of pace.

I used the time to hang out with Ava and enjoy the perfect weather we have had these past few days. On Friday after work I took Ava to the playground for a playdate with my friend’s kids.


They had a blast running around and Ava was completely wiped after.

In the afternoon we played outside with Cooper and enjoyed Cooper’s pool. This was his pool when he was a puppy but Ava loves it and so does he!


As you can see there’s barely any water left because Ava kept splashing it out and filling up buckets for Cooper to drink.


I’m pretty sure Cooper peed about 30 times after our little outdoor play time.

Saturday morning we got up bright and early to run some errands and get out day started. We were at the beach around 10am. The skies were clear and the temperature was perfect… 75 degrees!


Ava was so much fun at the beach. She splashed in the water, played with her sand toys and even let me sit in the beach chair for some relaxation time.


I’m pretty sure that never happens.


We took a long walk down the beach and headed home for a late lunch and some quiet time around the house before I headed to my hair appointment.


The rest of the night was spent at the house eating dinner, taking Cooper out to the park and relaxing. It was great.

Sunday was Father’s Day and I tried my best to make it special for Marc. We made breakfast together and again I ran some errands with Ava to let Marc have some time to do projects that he wanted to work on. We got lunch together and then after Ava’s nap we headed to my parents house for an early dinner.

Ava played with her Cousin Emily and we spent time outside watching them play in the sandbox and pretend to hit golf balls. I love seeing Ava with her cousin and reminds me how important family is.

As we drove home in the car I realized I didn’t take any pictures and I said to Marc I was bummed we didn’t take a picture of the 3 of us and I didn’t take one of him with Ava. I was upset at first because it’s nice to look back at pictures from important occasions like these, but then I also realized that it’s important to live in the moment and make memories. I have TONS of pictures of Marc with Ava and for this particular day I had more fun watching Marc chase Ava as she tried to run through the yards in my parents neighborhood and watch Ava laugh with her cousin Emily for 10 minutes straight. I won’t forget those two things even if they weren’t caught on camera!!

How was your father’s day weekend?

Do you ever wish you had taken pictures of a special occasion but you didn’t?

June 17, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

A Sprinkle for our Baby Boy

Last night my best friends threw me a surprise baby sprinkle for our little baby boy who is expected to arrive on July 13th!


We had all planned to get together for a family BBQ at my friend Megan’s house so I had no clue what my friends had in store.

Now lets back up a bit… My week started off great! I have been feeling amazing, I’ve had good energy and I was cruising through the week. Then at my doctor appointment Wednesday morning I was told I was making some progress at 1cm 50% effaced. That’s great news that my body is changing, but we don’t want him to come until I am full term at 37 weeks next Wednesday. So the bad news is bad news that I can’t exercise and I had to find subs for all my classes until my next appointment. I totally understand that I can’t workout but part of me thought I was going to keep trucking along. Again pregnant women are NOT SUPERHUMAN and I know that but lets just pretend that we can do it all right?

I spent most of the day relaxing and trying not to move which was a bit stressful but I kept thinking about not wanting my baby to be in the NICU if he’s born before 37 weeks so that helped me to stay put for the remainder of the day.

Ava went to bed around 645pm which wasn’t part of the plan last night since she was supposed to come to my friend Megan’s house for the BBQ. Marc decided to stay home with her and I headed out around 7pm.

When I got to Megan’s everyone was in her backyard. When I turned the corner they yelled “surprise” and of course I was surprised!!


I knew I was going to hang out with my friends but what was the surprise for???? It was a baby sprinkle that I never expected and I couldn’t help but smile and be so thankful for my thoughtful friends.

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They had a clothesline of little baby onesies and bibs plus tons of foods.


I was completely shocked and I didn’t know what to say.

I felt bad that I made Marc stay home with Ava so I called my mom to have her come over to watch Ava while she was sleeping so Marc could come enjoy a beer and the shower with our friends!


It was the most perfect night and celebration of our baby boy.

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The girls spoiled him with gifts and I’m still at a loss for words. I didn’t expect any of it but it truly made Marc and I feel loved and grateful for such amazing friends.


The girls know me too well and when I told them we haven’t done anything to the baby’s nursery they picked out some room decor on top of all the clothes. It truly made this pregnancy journey complete!

Now all we need is this little boy to arrive (anytime after 37 weeks!!)

I love you girls, thank you so much xoxo

June 15, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

WIAW: Love and Hate for food

I officially have 4 weeks left until my due date, 28 days is not a lot of time and I’m overly excited!

I apologize for being MIA on here lately. To be honest I’ve been quite tired and any free moment I get, I’m totally kicking my feet up or closing my eyes. Ava’s sleep has been all over the place these past 2 weeks and it is catching up with both of us!  I have been sleeping on average about 6 hrs per night which is not enough. My body needs all the rest it can get now before this baby arrives so if she naps, I almost always try to close my eyes myself.

Anyways, I did keep track of my food from Monday. It started off as a pretty solid day of food but then when 5pm struck my love for food turned into hate. I literally opened the fridge 100 times between 5-10pm and nothing jumped out at me. I didn’t want to eat anything…


So here’s my day of eats:

Monday morning started off early with a 6am alarm clock. I was still tired but my day starts early so I needed to get ready.

I opted for a simple scrambled eggs with spinach and potatoes.  A little while later I made Marc and Ava breakfast and ate 1/2 a piece of toast because I was still a little hungry.


After teaching Group Power I refueled with a banana right after class.


Once I got home I ate some Cheerios and cashews. (I also ate Ava’s leftover egg not pictured)


Oh and an apple that Ava and I split. The YMCA was giving members Apples so how could we not have one?!


I headed back to the YMCA to teach my second class around 10:15am. It’s funny to me that I always leave both classes starving!

Lunch was leftover Thai Food. I had Chicken with broccoli, carrots, eggplant, zucchini and baby corn with brown rice in a brown sauce. Simple but delicious!!! I actually wish there was more leftover.


Peaches are a daily occurrence these days and I had one with my lunch.


Around 245 I dove into my afternoon snack. Yogurt with Berries & Granola. I love this stuff and it never gets old.


We headed to my parents around 3 to play outside, walk Cooper and hang out for a bit. Ava loves going to Grandma & Grandpa’s house and I do too! She gets to play with different toys and their neighborhood is great for being outside.

We left around 5pm and headed home for dinner. Ava and I were starving. When we got home I fixed her a play of food while I contemplated what to eat myself.

I ate a side salad with romaine, cucumbers, tomatoes & peppers.


I had anticipated to eat some leftover chicken cutlet but took one bite and almost threw up. I thought my taste buds were off. I made marc try it and he was skeptical. I wasn’t sure if it was the dipping sauce or what but I was immediately grossed out. From that point on my dinner became a disaster. I tried BBQ grilled chicken, same issue.. tasted funny.

So I ended up eating 2 meatballs and tortilla chips. Somehow I managed to fill my belly a little.


(UGLY picture but I ate them cold and with no sauce so I’m weird)

Around 8pm my belly was hungry and I wasn’t surprised. The only thing that sound or looked appealing was a grilled cheese so I quickly made a grilled cheese on wheat bread. YUM!


it was simple and perfect in every way.

I love when Marc cuts watermelon because it’s a snack that’s hydrating, tasty, healthy and I didn’t have to cut it ;) Ava and I stood in the kitchen as Marc was cutting the watermelon and pretty much ate as much as we could!

Around 10 pm I had a KIND bar and that wrapped up my night of random eats.


I am hoping that this love & hate towards food doesn’t last long. I would much rather love all foods but lately my body dislikes more food then it likes. I almost feel like I’m back in the first trimester, help!!!

If you need some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Laura’s Blog and find some food ideas.

What’s something yummy you ate yesterday? 

Do you ever have days where you hate all the food in your house?

June 10, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

Baby #2: Pregnancy Update Weeks 34 & 35

I am currently 35 weeks + 3 days pregnant :)

With 33 days left give or take I’m starting to feel tons of emotions. One day I’m super excited, one day I’m anxious, and other days I’m nervous. I think it all comes with being pregnant and becoming a mom for a second time. 2 kids is definitely going to be harder then one but I know we are ready and excited to expand our family. I can’t wait to see Ava with her little brother, I know she’s going to be the best big sister. She’s already practicing by rocking her baby dolls, singing songs to them, feeding them bottles and giving them lots of hugs.



The picture on the left is when I was 35 weeks pregnant with Ava- Picture on the right 35 weeks pregnant +2 days with Baby G #2. I definitely feel bigger and a little more low/pointy this time! 

THE BABY IS about 19-19.5 inches long, the size of a honey dew melon Weighing about 5.5 lbs

Weight gained

22.5 lbs


It’s a BOY!!!


My workouts have been consistent, but I’m backing off a bit on my output and intensity. I’m still teaching 6 classes a week so I’m trying to rest as much as possible. I have lowered my weights in Group Power and I’m taking more breaks during my other workouts.


My number 1 symptom is fatigue and being tired. I blame it on lack of sleep. These past 2 weeks were a lot harder in the sleep department. I’m not blaming Ava but it has a lot to do with her stubbornness with going to bed. She’s woken us up on numerous occasions, plus I’m peeing at least 1x a night.

Besides being tired, I don’t have any big symptoms. My belly is getting in the way when I bend over, it’s harder to get up off the floor, couch or bed but I think that’s a given at this point!!

I’ve had small braxton hicks contractions and cramping but nothing too alarming! The other small symptom I have been dealing with is shortness of breath. It doesn’t happen every day but it does happen if I lay on my back too long or if I push a little too hard during exercise. If I do feel short of breath I take a break from what I’m doing, take a walk, or change positions to get comfortable!

Food Aversions: 

After around 5pm food is not my favorite thing. I hate looking at it, I hate deciding what to eat, and I’m more nauseous at night. I think it’s because I’m eating so many small meals during the day that come 5 o’clock I’m out of options!!

Some veggies are not appealing, so I’m trying to just go with what my body is feeling. It seems to be more protein/carbs right now!

Food Cravings: 

  • FRUIT- watermelon, blueberries, blackberries & strawberries
  • potatoes- chips, baked french fries, or baked potatoes
  • any type of meat- chicken, beef, turkey
  • I had a grilled cheese craving the other day it was delicious
  • chocolate chip muffins
  • tortilla chips


Sleep has not been the greatest. I am tossing and turning a bit more these past few nights and with Ava being sick my sleep has been sort of non existent. I hope once she’s better, I will be back to a normal nights sleep of 7-8 hours!


34 Weeks Pregnant

Maternity clothes: 

I’m rocking any clothes that are comfortable right now. Most of them are maternity. My workout outfits are part maternity and part regular clothes that I’m pretty much stretching out!! I’m loving that the weather is warmer so I can wear shorts, tanks and dresses!!! Yay for summer coming.

Stretch marks: 

None yet!

Do I Miss anything: 

I miss sleeping more comfortably and not waking up to pee. I miss sleeping on my belly too!

Exercise has been getting tougher so I miss being able to lift a bit heavier and train my core.

Another random thing I miss is a turkey sandwich. My mom was eating one the other day and it looked SOO good, but cold cuts aren’t really an option right now at a deli, I would have to buy them organic at a grocery store.


My little baby boy is active. He is getting stronger too and I’m noticing bigger movements rather then little kicks and spins. He hiccups about once a day and it’s always a distraction to me.

I’m not going to lie I love feeling little feet up by rib cage. It reminds me of being pregnant with Ava and knowing that I get to see those little feet soon gets me excited.

Baby Items Purchased: 

There are plenty of things I still need and want to buy but I just haven’t gotten around to it. I think this weekend I will be making a big trip to buybuybaby to get some last minute things and start getting more organized!

Wedding rings ON or OFF: 

ON but I might take them off. I never had an issue with Ava and I don’t now but something about the heat and warm weather makes me nervous to have them on.

Belly Button IN or OUT? 

OUT.. I thought maybe it would flatten out from more weight gain but it hasn’t and I’m getting used to it. I’m sure other people still stare at it, but I’m okay with it now :)

I’m Looking Forward To: 

I’m looking forward to each day of the end of this pregnancy. I feel like there’s so much to do, so much time to spend with Ava, but also so much to be excited for that I want to enjoy these last few weeks. I know he will come when he’s ready so I don’t want to rush things but I’d be lying if I didn’t tell you I want him to come before July 13th!!


35 Weeks pregnant 2 days

Random Things:

I had a doctor’s appointment yesterday and had a quick ultrasound. My fluid level was great which is always reassuring. The baby was heads down, he had a strong heart beat, and he was practicing breathing which was really cool! The technician also said that he has hair… no surprise there! I have a thick head of hair and Ava was born with a ton so I wasn’t overly shocked knowing this little guy is going to have some too :)

At this point in my pregnancy I’m going to the doctor every week, which is exciting. I am surprised I have another ultrasound in 2 weeks but I guess they like to check the fluids again, the baby’s growth/ weight gain. It’s another excuse for me to see our little boy before his big debut.

33 more days until Baby G #2… can you feel the excitement?!!!?????!

For more pregnancy updates head over to my Baby #2 pregnancy page

June 8, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

WIAW: 5 weeks left!

Happy Hump Day! I officially have 5 weeks left until my due date. 35 days seems like nothing and it will be here before I know it.

I am so excited for the ultrasound I have this morning at 10am, but first I need to teach a class and train a client so I will try to be patient for that appointment. I believe this is the last ultrasound I will get until we get to meet our little guy…. WOW!!

I figured today I would share my food journal from Monday since it was a little more structured then my meals from yesterday.

here ya go:

BREAKFAST: 2 eggs scrambled with zucchini & potatoes


SNACK: banana, square bar, 1/2 chocolate chip muffin and a few bites of Ava’s leftover Eggs with cheese.

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sorry I didn’t take a picture of the muffin, but that’s because Ava had pretty much destroyed it with her hands!

LUNCH: Salad with mixed greens, roasted peppers, chickpeas, grilled chicken, sundried tomatoes, & balsamic dressing. 


I realized this salad doesn’t show the toppings or give this meal any justice. It was delicious and I’m a fan of all the ingredients!!

Plus some Plantain chips 


This is the first time this pregnancy I ate plantain chips and I ate several handfuls!!

SNACK: Yogurt with Blueberries, blackberries, strawberries & granola 


This is my go to pregnancy snack and I don’t think it’s going anywhere, I love it!!

DINNER: Pasta with Meatballs and Zoodles


Dinner was delicious, these were not my mama’s meatballs but I still loved it!!

SNACK: Tortilla chips with avocado 


plus a KIND Bar at 10pm when my stomach was still rumbling!


This day of food was pretty satisfying and I went to bed tired but my belly was happy.

I am exhausted today, I got up to pee 3x last night which is unusual and Ava woke us up twice because she doesn’t feel good. I feel like I barely slept but now I have to go teach Group Power. Wish me luck!

What’s something delicious you ate this week?

Do you like deciding what meals you eat or do you wish someone did it for you? Personally I would love for someone to make all my food decisions and cook for me!!



For some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Arman’s Blog today!

June 6, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

Family Party & Weekend Fun

Hey there, I hope you all had a nice weekend and are ready to tackle the week ahead!

This post is coming a little later then I had wanted today but to be honest I wasn’t feeling well this morning, I had 2 classes to teach and then Miss Ava needed all of my attention.

We had a great weekend and I thought I would share some fun pictures from some of our events.

Saturday we woke up early and I was ready to get the day started. We ate breakfast, took Cooper for a long walk and then headed to the Greenwich Library for a Toddler Music class. I have been taking Ava to other classes at the library this month and I wanted to see how she would like the music class. She likes to sing, dance, and move so I thought it would be great.

To be honest she wasn’t that into it.. she kept saying lets go get books and started walking away. Eventually Marc left with her and that was pretty much the end.

After our music class we headed to a SPRING-A-PALOOZA hosted by my former Elementary school and Ava’s soon to be elementary school :) They had tons of crafts, games, and bouncy castle/slides for the kids.


We ran into our cousins which was a nice surprise and Ava loved it.


Ava played a tic tac to game

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She also did some sand art with her cousin Natalie.


It was a fun little event and I’m glad we went. It’s so nice to see Ava having fun.

Later in the afternoon I headed to my 2nd Cousin’s 30th birthday party.


My mom’s side of the family is LARGE and she has no joke about 30 first cousins so it’s always a fun time. The food was great and it was nice to catch up with my mom’s family.


Sunday I woke up feeling tired and nauseous. It seems like that’s a trend on Sundays. I think my week catches up to me and my body tells me to slow down. It was the perfect day for relaxation. Marc’s parents came down to visit and it’s always nice having them around. Ava is always so happy and her energy is through the roof!

I was able to relax and hang out with Marc’s family the whole day.

After his parents left, Marc cooked me this delicious baked fish for dinner. Since I hadn’t felt well most of the day, I stuck to simple foods.


Marc cooked tilapia with breadcrumbs and a little lemon which was perfect for my stomach!

Ava hasn’t been cooperating much at bed time so to say it was an early night wouldn’t be the truth. She went to bed at 9 and by the time I got settled it was closer to 1030!!

I guess that’s why this post is coming in late ;)

Did you do anything fun this weekend?

Do you have a big or small family?

June 3, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

Friday Rambles

WOW, I really can’t believe it’s Friday already but I’m not complaining. This week flew by and I’m pretty sure every week should have 4 work days right?

It’s a good thing I love my job and I don’t ever hate going to work!

I’ve had some random thoughts on my mind this week so I figured I would share them with you:


1. I probably shouldn’t be counting down the days until my due date but I am. I’m pretty sure I did the same thing with Ava but it’s hard not to stare at the calendar these days. I will tell you that it’s going to make these last 40 days a lot longer then they need to be!


2. I’ve been getting tons of questions on how long I will be working, how I’m feeling, and how much time I will be taking off. To answer those questions briefly, I plan to work up until the end of my pregnancy as long as the doctor keeps approving! I’m feeling pretty good (knock on all the wood) besides being exhausted from 3pm on and having some small cramps/contractions I’ve been fortunate to feel pretty normal. I plan to take 3 months of from most of my work, however I will be back to boot camp a little quicker. (I will be demonstrating and teaching without doing the workout until cleared from the Doctor)

3. I’ve had moments over the past 2 weeks where I’m super excited for the baby to arrive one day and then another day I want to cry because I feel like I’m not going to be able to parent 2 kids equally. Some days I’m confident and other days I literally question how I am going to do it all. I love Ava so much but she’s a lot of work and so is Cooper. Now throw a newborn in the mix and that’s going to be a whole other challenge. I’m not superwoman but I need to stay positive. There are so many other moms that do it right?!

4. We have several party invitations in the next few weekends and I really want to attend them all but they aren’t exactly close to home. Part of me feels like I should go to them all and part of me is telling me don’t risk having a baby in another town with a random doctor!!! What are your thoughts?!


5. I’m loving the warm weather and sunshine we are having. I don’t mind the occasional day of rain that allows me to get housework done but I’m thoroughly enjoying beach trips and playing outside in the yard, park, wherever!

6. I’ve had some chocolate cravings this week and Marc asked if it was me wanting the brownies or the baby. I’m not really sure but I’m blaming the baby. I never have strong cravings when I’m not pregnant but I’m rolling with the sweet tooth this little boy has ;)


I’ve also been loving fruit so there’s a good balance there!!

7. I haven’t really been into dinner recipes or dinner at all these past 2 weeks. If anyone has any simple meal suggestions I would love to try out some of your ideas!! My usual choices are unappealing and make me nauseous just thinking about it!!!

Well that’s it…. I hope you enjoyed my Friday Rambles and I hope you have an awesome weekend.

What are some random thoughts you’ve had this week?

Do you have any advice for mom’s with 2 kids? 

June 1, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

WIAW: Counting down the days

Happy Hump day. I’m pretty sure short weeks are the best and I’m loving that it’s Wednesday already!!

I am currently 34 weeks pregnant and counting down the days until my due date…. 42. That number keeps getting smaller and my excitement keeps growing. I want to meet this baby boy so bad but first I need to get to full term (37 weeks) and then he can come whenever.

My food has been pretty healthy these past few weeks but my meals have been random and sometimes not complete meals. I tend to eat a little here and there rather then big meals. My belly gets full a little quicker so smaller more frequent meals does the trick!


I figured I would share my food journal with you from Memorial Day (Monday)

My morning started off as usual since I had to teach the 730am Group Power class at the YMCA.

I ate 2 eggs scrambled with spinach and potatoes, I also had a couple bites of a chocolate chip muffin. I was feeling a little nauseous and for some reason sugar does the trick!!


I wasn’t sure if I would have a normal size group or if people would sleep in on the holiday but most of my regulars were there and we were excited for a workout.

I came home to refuel with a delicious banana and a Peanut Butter Square Bar.

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Of course Ava saw me eating one so I opened another one and gave her 1/2. We are both hooked!!

Around 11am I was still hungry and snacked on some baby carrots and watermelon.


We took Cooper for a quick walk since the rain kind of stopped and then it was time for lunch.

We decided to eat at home since the weather was still iffy to go out. I had a salad with greens, tomatoes, cucumbers, BBQ grilled chicken, honey mustard dressing and sunflower seeds! This has been one of my favorite spring salads lately.


I was still hungry so I had an apple and a piece of toast with lots of peanut butter.


Ava was exhausted from our weekend of fun in the sun at the beach and decided to take a nap which was totally fine with me. I was tired myself! So I spent time laying on the couch and relaxing. She woke up around 3pm and I had a quick yogurt parfait snack. Geek yogurt with blackberries grapes & strawberries plus a little granola on top.


We headed to the grocery store to get some food so Marc could grill my family a nice dinner. We had burgers, honey mustard chicken, green beans, potato salad, tossed salad, baked beans, etc.

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This was my plate


but my dad’s plate looked a lot better


I also ate 1/2 of a burger that Ava didn’t eat. How could I not, don’t they look delicious? I was STUFFED and satisfied after that meal.

My family hung out and we had fun playing with Ava until she went to bed.

My sweet tooth kicked in around 830pm and I decided to make a quick batch of somewhat healthy dark chocolate brownies. I used applesauce to replace some of the oil… and they were delicious!

This little boy has me craving chocolate and I’m not complaining!! This brownie sundae totally hit the spot.


It was a great ending to a long weekend :)

If you need some more food inspiration check out the What I ate Wednesday Crew over on Laura’s Blog and find some food ideas.

May 31, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

The Sun is Good For You

Hi there! I hope you had a nice long weekend with family & friends.

Even though I taught class yesterday morning, I enjoyed the extra day with my family and it made the weekend more special having Marc home on a Monday.

Going into the weekend I had one thing I wanted to do, get to the beach!

That is just what we did :)

The weather was about 90 degrees on both Saturday & Sunday so we decided to get there early.

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Saturday we spent the day walking around the beach, playing in the water, and watching Ava have a blast!

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I couldn’t help but be happy seeing her smile. It’s so easy to smile when you are at the beach and the sun is shining, right?

We stayed until our bellies got hungry and we ran out of snacks! We headed home to eat some food and let Ava take a nap at home.

In the late afternoon my mom and I made a trip to the nail salon for pedicures. It was a nice relaxing way to finish out the day!

Sunday we pretty much did a repeat of Saturday and got to the beach early.


Ava couldn’t wait to go play again!


I actually didn’t snap any pictures at the beach because Marc and I spent the entire time chasing Ava and making sure she didn’t run away. She wasn’t as calm as she was on Saturday. She practically ran sprints around the beach and didn’t stop until we left.

Lets just say we didn’t last more then 2 hours before Marc and I were exhausted!

We stopped at Soundview deli on the way home, I had a grilled chicken salad, Marc got a sandwich, and Ava had some olive pizza which was delicious. We ate pretty fast and once we got home we were all wiped.

I debated whether I should take a nap myself or be productive around the house. I opted for productivity and ran some errands before dinner.


I also snapped this quick belly shot for you.

I don’t know about you guys but when the sun is shining it seems like the days are brighter and everyone is happy. My body enjoyed being outside for most of the days and when it rained Monday morning I was kinda bummed.

Luckily it cleared up in the afternoon and we were able to get outside and Marc cooked my family a lovely dinner.

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That pretty much sums up our weekend.

How was your memorial day weekend? Did you get to the beach or spend the days outside?

May 26, 2016
by Kelly @ The Fit Skool

Baby #2: Pregnancy Update Weeks 32 & 33

It’s crazy that it’s Thursday already but I’m loving it and I’m loving the warm weather we have had this week. Even if it has caused me to sweat a ton and take extra showers, I am in favor of the warm weather any day.

I am currently 33 weeks pregnant and 2 days and while I’m trying to enjoy the last weeks of my pregnancy I’m also counting down the days until I can meet this little baby boy of ours. 48 days give or take which seems like nothing. I find myself guessing whether he will come right around his due date or early like Ava.

I really don’t care, I just want him to be healthy and to come when he’s ready!!


THE BABY IS about 18-18.5 inches long, the size of a honeydew melon, according to my doctor appointment 4 days ago he is weighing in at 4 lbs 9 oz. WOW.

Weight gained

20 lbs


It’s a BOY!!!


I am back to my normal routine and the past 2 weeks have been great, I’m teaching 6 classes per week, walking Cooper daily and fitting in some extra stretching when I can!

WEEK 32:

MONDAY Fit For Life class & Group Power class, 20 minute walk with Cooper

TUESDAY 20 Minute walk with Cooper & Boot Camp Class

WEDNESDAY 1 hour Group Power Strength training

THURSDAY Fit For Life plus taught boot camp and a 20 minute walk with Cooper

FRIDAY-SUNDAY I focused on just light cardio or walking

WEEK 33: I am teaching 7 classes in 5 days which is kind of a lot so you can imagine that I will be taking this weekend off from exercising and letting my body relax!!


(Picture taken at 33 Weeks Post Boot Camp)


I can’t say I have had a ton of symptoms these past 2 weeks. It’s actually been pretty good. Besides being tired and napping on occasion I haven’t had any ligament pain, headaches, swelling, or joint pain. I hope my streak of goodness continues.

Food Aversions: 

I’m getting pickier with my foods these days. There’s a lot I don’t want and I’m leaning towards simple foods and cold ones now that it’s hot.

Food Cravings: 

  • Steak
  • Grilled Chicken Cold… BBQ or mustard vinagerette have been delicious right out of the fridge!
  • Eggs & potatoes
  • Raw veggies: cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers
  • yogurt parfaits with all the berries
  • Watermelon, oranges, and strawberries
  • Salads and sandwiches (I think because they are easy to prepare!)
  • Square Bars
  • Avocado
  • Chili
  • Chocolate.. larabar cookie dough, chocolate chip muffins, or chocolate chip ice cream ;)


I have been sleeping okay at this point. I get between 7-8 hours per night and I usually wake up 1x to pee. That’s not too bad. I have found that it has gotten a bit harder for me to sleep on my left side. I blame that on my shoulder injury from a few years ago. So I have been flopping around a bit more and sleeping on my right side a little more!

Maternity clothes: 

Now that the weather is getting nicer I feel like I have a few new clothing options. I have 2 pairs of maternity shorts from my pregnancy with Ava and then tons of loose dresses (that will actually probably be tight) but comfortable for the warm weather! I’m currently stretching out a lot of my workout clothes but I really don’t feel like buying myself anymore at this point in the pregnancy!


Picture taken at 33 Weeks Before one of my Group Power classes!

Stretch marks: 

None yet!

Do I Miss anything: 

I miss exercising at my normal pace and doing core work. I am living vicariously through my clients and classes!

I really wanted a cold cut sandwich the other day when Marc was eating it. I think more because I knew I couldn’t have it!


The baby moves all day. Some oh his movements are a little uncomfortable. His kicks are higher and off to the side where my rib cage is. He hiccups once or twice daily and they are low so I know he’s head down.

He moves during my workouts, when I walk Cooper, when I’m laying down, when I’m eating… it seems like it’s nonstop.

He basically works out all day long. I don’t remember that with Ava!

Baby Items Purchased: 

I know I mentioned we purchased a rug, but we set it up in the baby’s room and used the carpet cleaner to freshen it up. We bought a new baby gate for the top of our stairs and we are in the process of buying a new dresser for his room. I’m looking for something small but something that will fit a good amount of clothes in!

Ava is making her way out of her crib so we aren’t buying the baby a new one we are going to use hers when she’s ready to make the switch!

Wedding rings ON or OFF: 


Belly Button IN or OUT? 

OUT.. like I’ve said before, this is not my favorite thing right now! My belly button sticks out through all my tops especially the workout tops which I’m in every day. I have had some days where it was flat and I think that’s from the baby growing!! This is my least favorite body change. I don’t mind the extra curves right now but the belly button??? Everyone stares and I’ve received some comments but I guess I’m getting used to it.

I’m Looking Forward To: 

With less than 7 weeks until we meet our little baby boy my excitement is growing each day. I’m looking forward to my weekly appointments to know that the baby is doing well and going strong!

Random Things:

This past Monday we had an ultrasound. I was so happy and relieved to see our little guy was growing at the right pace, his heartbeat was strong and he was right on track. He was sucking his fingers and had his hand in front of his face most of the time so we couldn’t see him that clearly. I did see his cute little nose and mouth which looked just like Ava’s s this stage :)

The Doctor is having me do another ultrasound at week 35 to make sure the baby’s growth is still on track but most importantly to make sure he remains head down so that he will be in a good position for delivery.

It’s getting more real each doctors visit. We are super pumped to meet this little one and I think Ava is too :)

For more pregnancy updates head over to my Baby #2 pregnancy page