The Fit Skool

by Kelly

is it a good move to exercise when you are sick?


This topic is always up for debate. My motto is “listen to your body.” Sometimes sweating makes me feel better and other times my body tells me to lay on the couch.

Last Thursday I was feeling a little achy and I had a sore throat. Both symptoms weren’t severe and I attempted a low intensity workout. The next day my symptoms were a little worse and I chose not to exercise. Instead I rested, drank tons of fluid, and ate extremely healthy. By Sunday  I was feeling a lot better. I still had some nasal congestion but my symptoms did not keep me from doing my daily activities and I was still able to exercise at a low-intensity.

Whether these helped me or not, here are some things that I think helped speed up the recovery of my cold:

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Apples- an apple a day… (lots of other fruit too)

Avocado- a dose of healthy fats.


Light exercise

Veggies.. Especially Sweet Potato- my go to, feel good, comfort food

Vitamins- since my pregnancy, I have kept up with my vitamins and I truly believe that they help.

Water- my water bottle was by my side all day!

So all in all, exercise helped my cold on some days and other days it felt best to avoid working out. Again, listen to your body!

Do you choose to workout when you are sick? Was it a good move?

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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