The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Burpee workout


The Burpee workout

Whether I am teaching a boot camp class or training my clients, whenever I say the word burpee I usually hear a sigh or a complaint. My question for you is, why? This body-weight exercise gets the heart rate up and is a full-body movement. Therefore you are working so many more muscles with just ONE exercise!

There are a few different variations of a burpee. You can do a burpee with a pushup and a jump at the end, or you can do just the simple squat thrust. This movement can be altered to you based on your athletic capability.

Image 1 shows me lowering down towards the floor, image 2 demonstrates me kicking my feet back into a pushup position. You would then lower into a pushup

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Image 3 shows me jumping back into a wide stance (you can also do a narrow stance with your feet on the insides of your hand)


Image 4  did not make the cut! It was too blurry, but that last step is a nice explosive jump into the air. Then you repeat with another burpee.

So.. now the workout! My Thursday challenge for you is to complete as many burpees in 1 day as possible. Whenever you have a free minute get down and do some burpees. Record how many you complete!

Please share your numbers ;)


Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

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