The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Things I am loving Lately!

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Ava woke us up early this morning and I really wish I could’ve slept for another 20 minutes. Do you ever have one of those mornings? She wanted a bottle so I had no choice but to get up. After I gave her a bottle we bundled her up and decided to go for an early family walk. The weather was perfect.

Here are some thing I have been loving this week:

I know fall doesn’t technically begin until Monday, but it sure felt like it this morning! I have no complaints because I really enjoyed a homemade HOT pumpkin spice coffee it warmed me right up!


It is so easy to make, you should try it :)

This week I got in a TON of great workouts and my legs are pretty much shot today. We are launching the new Group Power workout on less then 2 weeks so I am practicing with a co-worker later today.

I love this workout because it is an increased weight workout so you do less repetitions at higher weight!!


Since being off Paleo I have been loving having Peanut butter back in my life.. Doesn’t peanut butter make everything better?


My dad bought me this Rubbermaid lunch storage container. How great is this?


They snap together and the little containers are perfect portions for lunch side dishes!

Last night after a great boot camp workout, I enjoyed this high-protein oatmeal!


It had Oats, Protein powder, peanut butter, almond milk, & a few mini chocolate chips! yum.

I also tried these Sweet Cinnamon Chickpea bites..


If you are looking for something sweet they will satisfy your craving!

I hope you all have a lovely Friday!


What have you been loving lately?? 

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!

One Comment

  1. Lately I’ve been loving frozen grapes. Especially since it’s still in the upper 90’s here. Ready for fall!

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