The Fit Skool

by Kelly

Exercise & Pregnancy with Baby #2


I have written about this topic before during my first pregnancy with Ava, but it’s a topic that comes up with friends, clients, and members at the gym on a regular basis.

I am totally that girl rocking the baby bump at the gym and I am proud of it. Sitting on the couch doesn’t make your pregnancy any healthier and safer! I have experienced the benefits from my first pregnacy, I was strong, I had good energy, and I was healthy up until the end of my pregnancy. I also had a quick and fast labor/delivery and I credit my fitness.

I figured I should talk about this topic today on the blog to fill you in on my fitness journey with BABY #2. 

Since finding out I was pregnant I continued to exercise as I normally would with a conscious effort not to push myself to pure exhaustion.

I have been able to maintain most of the current weights during my strength workouts (with a few adjustments here and there) this seems like a major accomplishment at this point considering I am 33 weeks. My doctor has given me the okay to keep doing what I’m doing with teaching classes and exercise as long as I’m staying hydrated, not pushing my body to my limits and I’m not getting crampy afterwards.


During my pregnancy with Ava I backed off a bit from the weights during my first trimester in fear of doing something wrong or causing any issues, but I was being cautious and protective when really I could continue what I was doing.

With pregnancy #2 I didn’t have to alter any of my exercises during the first trimester. I kept up with all my classes and was able to get in some extra workouts on my own as well. I always listened to my body and if I needed an extra rest day, I took it. There was one day that I took off from work due to a migraine and that was my only issue in the 1st trimester.

Even on my most nauseous days I forced myself to work and exercise (or move). It was actually one of the very FEW things that helped relieve that torturous nasuea.


As I started the second trimester, things started to change a bit. I was carrying extra weight, I was breathing a little heavier during workouts and for that reason I would say I started to scale back a tiny bit. By scaling back I mean, taking a little more rest if I feel winded, or lightening my weights to make sure I could complete the workout without over doing it.

My nausea started to go away around week 16/17 and this made working out more enjoyable and also easier. There were some days I had to remind myself I was pregnant and I couldn’t push 110%. That seriously was the hardest part. When I would see other people crushing their workout, I wanted to do the same, but knew I couldn’t. Don’t get me wrong, I was totally fine with that, but I just had to remind myself to take my time. I know it’s not a race and I’m not setting any new goals/records!! Pregnancy is NOT the time to push yourself to your limits.

Carrying the extra weight made bodyweight training a tad bit harder. My pushups got weaker, and planks became ridiculously challenging. Pregnant ladies are actually stronger though in reality because we are pushing and squatting extra weight…. Right?? Lets just pretend.

Each week I participated in 5-6 days of exercise. My workouts ranged from strength training, light weight training mixed with cardio, walking, elliptical, at home workout dvd’s such as (21 day fix, Hammer & Chisel, & insanity max30). During the second trimester I did less jumping and more modifying, but I was still able to move & feel good while doing it!

At the end of my second trimester I got hit with the stomach flu…. that was no joke. I didn’t exercise or work for about 7-9 days. I listened to my body and I took all the extra rest I could get!


The third trimester started out okay. The weight started piling on and with a bigger belly it is inevitable that things get more challenging.

I am not able to squat or lunge as deep. I eliminated all core work with the exception of some plank variations.

I just recently stopped doing all jumping exercises or jumping jacks. I’ve basically allowed my body to slow down and I will have to stick to low impact training from here on out.

A few weeks ago I got hit with round 2 of the stomach bug, thanks Marc ;)   I’m getting more winded and out of breathe quicker. That’s probably because my little baby boy is smooshing my lungs!

All in all, I can’t complain about fitness during this pregnancy. If anything, I think it’s the best thing I could do to keep my body and baby healthy, to keep my mind sane and to keep my energy up!!!

I’m happy that my doctors are supportive of my job and have no issues with me teaching classes at this point!! What I love the most is being active and helping others stay fit…. it truly is amazing!

For more posts about exercise & pregnancy check out these links below:

Exercise modifications during pregnancy

The benefits of exercise during MY pregnancy

Should you exercise while pregnant

Did you exercise during your pregnancy?

What do you think of pregnant ladies in the gym?

**I am not a doctor or physician. Please consult your doctor before beginning any new exercise routine**

Author: Kelly @ The Fit Skool

I’m Kelly, a NASM personal trainer and group instructor, a former athlete, a wife and soon to be mommy. Health and Fitness is my passion and I am excited to share this journey with you!


  1. You are so impressive! I remember my trainer’s wife squatting 135 at 8 mos pregnant. I thought she was insane! It was crazy looking too… she’s only 4’11.

    • Thanks Laura!

      Wow that’s impressive. I’m definitely not lifting anything close to that right now but I’m happy that I’m staying active it definitely helps with everything~

    • Thanks Laura!

      Wow that’s impressive. I’m definitely not lifting anything close to that right now but I’m happy that I’m staying active it definitely helps with everything~

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